CCSF 2024 Day #7: Don't forget the Grendels!

Today is the last post before the intermission and we're focusing on the oft forgotten, the meany, greeny boys and girls, Grendels!

Well, maybe not so green? Today's first submission is Rainbow Grendels by Risen Angel! A nifty genetic breed with some amazing colours!

You can grab them here

We have a second entry today as well, a little something for the oncoming holiday. Submitted by MKX!

This lil' guy Krampus is a modified Infernal grendel who loves toys, which requires the Bigger Sprite Allocation. you can grab him here

UPDATE: Forgot to relase the cool Protective Tub naming list of Warrior Cats names by Risen angel.

For those of you who don't know what Warrior Cats is, it's a fantasy book series written by Erin Hunter (actually a pseudonym used by multiple authors) about four clans of feral cats living in the woods. They struggle to survive, engaging in epic battles, fall in love, and worship their starry ancestors. It's known for being surprisingly dark and going to some crazy places for a series otensibly aimed at children.

You can grab it here

The Video

The Hunt

Day #1: This Legend dresses the part around Christmas time. He's the Link to your prize.

Day #2: This Grey Brick device was popular through the 90s and popular with Boys and girls. C2 Edition.

Day #3: This popular 90s franchise has you tossing these 151 times if you want them all.

Day #4: These Budget-Friendly norns are bright and colorful. Made for CCSF.

Day #5: These Norns love the beach and even brought a ball to play!

Day #6: This official norns would love to hug the christmas tree.

Day #7: This C2 breed by alien would certainly taste festively minty!