CCSF 2024 Day #4: Home Sweet Home!

Today's submissions are thanks to Freyla! Her ongoing Wolfling run has been quite exciting! You can watch it below, I post the daily video as part of each daily page.

Our download for today is the Home Smell agent by Freyla. a lovely pot with three choices! Nornweed, Ettinvine and Grendelthorn. Each emitting their respective smell. You can grab it here!

The Video

The Hunt

I was informed that I'd forgotten to explain how this all works! Each day I release a new clue to an item somewhere within the archive, going to the listing for each correct answer will have a little treasure hidden in the description! is one of them. Click it in the listing for a download.

Day #1: This Legend dresses the part around Christmas time. He's the Link to your prize.

Day #2: This Grey Brick device was popular through the 90s and popular with Boys and girls. C2 Edition.

Day #3: This popular 90s franchise has you tossing these 151 times if you want them all.

Day #4: These Budget-Friendly norns are bright and colorful. Made for CCSF.