CCSF 2023 Day 2: Streamin’ Dreamin’

With my streaming setup all good to go, I’ll be starting to stream soon. I need to hear from y’all what time works!

Today’s release is in that vein as well. the monitor (by bedalton) I use to watch creatures as events happen. it will display the last four events with some context to help you understand what’s going on. You can ctrl-click to swap between the pretty, and a simple graphic mode.

A purple screen with white text notifications of creature life events

Download it here!

Today’s hunt gift is the awesome bunny plush toy by Mea! In her own words:

These plushies are based on the C2 bunny. They come in many more colors and patterns than the original bunny. The vendor is a smart vendor and will stop vending plushies when too many are around it. If there are too many plushies, you can remove them by ctrl + shift + clicking on them.

Plush rabbits in a variety of colors in a line

(The issue with the emoji system on the archive is still kicking, so another egg today)


  1. Aquatic in nature, they wont stray from the ocean!
  2. This breed features red flowers for a motif