Since there are still people out there who are confused about the different breeds of norns, I have decided to explain them here for beginners. There are three types of norns that come with your Creatures CD:

Type 0

Type 0: The bald or "banana" norns. They have no hair and floppy ears, males are generally red and females are light brown. When they are old, they have blue stripes on their ears.

Type 1

Type 1: The "Fox" norns. They have white hair, black legs and a fluffy tail. Males have green armbands. Males have floppy ears, females pointed ears.

Type 2

Type 2: The "Horse" norns. They are generally brown, females have blond hair, males have a mane.

The following norns have been released by Cyberlife after the release of Creatures 1:

Type 3

Type 3: This is the 1996 santa norn. You can get a full sprite set for this norn (including female santa sprites) at Norn Holiday. I haven't bred santa norns yet.

Type 4

Type 4: The Purple Mountain norns. You can download them at Cyberlife's website, they are free. They have white hair and a scaly, purple body. Males become bald when they age, females take a "grandma" look. Both sexes shrink in their old age. Purple Mountain mixes often look weird as seniors, because only the PM body parts shrink.

Type 5

Type 5: The Forest Norns: These norns only come with the Life Kit. They have about 20 new genes, improved eating and sleeping behavior and a biochemistry receptor that causes them to die of old age.

Type 6

Type 6: The Ron Norns: The Ron norns are also only available with the Life Kit. They look like foxes and also have new instinct genes. They also have the "die of old age" biochemistry receptor.

Type 7

Type 7: The 1997 santa norn: If you have the easter bunny norn from Norn Holiday, you will notice that male offspring might look like him, because it uses the same slot (7).

Third party sprite sets

Creatures 1 has ten slots for norns, so there are only two more available for third party developers. I have installed Frimlin's Wood Norns in slot 8. Lis Morris' Grorns (norns that use grendel sprites) use slot 9.

Wood Norns

Frimlin has closed his site. There is an archive with all his files at

Since I have installed the Wood Norns, I have found another breed for Slot 8: The Treknorns which you can get at the Creatures Shack. If you are an experienced Creatures player you can install them in another free slot, if there is one. I'm running the Treknorns in slot 7.


The Trek Norns

Last changes: 28/02/04