C1 Types E, F and G

Important note: If you have installed the santa norn from the 98 christmas pack, the Purple Mountain, Forest and Ron norns will have a second tail. The new santa norn occupies slot D, and Creatures always completes missing body parts in sprite sets with the next available one. It took me a few days to figure out where Armadillo got this second tail from. Since I don't like the santa norn, I have deleted him. Like in the C1 santa norns from Cyberlife, there are only the male adult sprites included.

Type E

Arlette Antoine
Arlette and Antoine

I'm very fond of the Purple Mountain Norns, so I didn't change their pigment genes. In C2 they have an even more beautiful color than in C1. These two are also based on Lis Morris' Amnesia Norns.

Type F

Albert Albertina
Albert and Albertina

Albert and Albertina are based on one of Cyberlife's updated genomes, they still have a type H tail.

Adelita Art
Adelita and Art

Adelita and Art are also based on one of the updated hatchery genomes. They don't have two tails any longer.

Type G

Adrienne Armadillo
Adrienne and Armadillo

Adrienne and Armadillo have the genome of a golden desert norn mixed with CyberLife's 254 genome. They  live longer than than your ordinary hatchery norns, so please keep in mind that they will only be fertile at about 1 1/2 hours. In my world, Adrienne has died of old age when she was nearly 11 hours old. She has laid a dozen eggs.

Last changes: 10/04/03