About Diseases and Toxins


The diseases in Albia 2 seem to be same as in C1, they have the form of antigens and are contracted by bacterial infection. But they are a lot nastier than the primitive antigens in C1, since they have the potential to damage the internal organs of norns, grendels and ettins. Each antigen affects two organs, and in the worst case - if the disease is not detected early enough - an organ can fail. A sick organ will flash red, and the green bar will shrink. All organs can be healed by injecting the creature with prostaglandin, but the reproductive organs will need vitamine A and vitamine E as well to recover. You must have access to the advanced science kit to inject these chemicals into your norns.

Additionally, you should inject your creature with the appropriate antibodies to make it recover more quickly. If a creature runs a fever, try to get it to drink to rehydrate it. Unfortunately, C2 norns don't have an instinct that will reward them for lowering their thirst drive, so it is often not easy to get them to drink. In this case, inject it with water and thirst decrease.


Some of the fruits and mushrooms in Albia are poisonous, but there is an antidote for some of these toxins. Sleep toxin and fever toxin seem to be an exception, at least I didn't find out yet how to cure them. To cure the more dangerous toxins, you can use Lis Morris' universal antidote that can be injected with the agent injector. If you prefer to use the advanced science kit, you should take note of which toxins are cured by which chemical:

Glycotoxin: Arnica
Heavy Metals: EDTA
Belladonna: ?
Geddonase: ?
Cyanide: Sodium Thiosulphite

Bad bugs and junk are also poisonous and should not be eaten. But have you ever tried to teach a norn to "drop bad bug"? ;-) My norns also love to catch the bats and don't seem to mind if they are bitten. The bites cause pain, but I don't think they are really dangerous.


If you take a look at the map in the ecology kit you will notice that the volcano is radioactive. Creatures that like to hang around in this area get poisoned with heavy metals that damage their bones. It has also been said that it causes a higher mutation rate in pregnant females, but I don't know if this has yet been proved. However, it is a very hostile region and creatures should not stay there for longer periods. You can remove the radioactivity with Jay D's "Flood Volcano" cob that can be downloaded from Jimbo's Creatures Pages, but I would only recommend it if you have aquatic or amphibious norns. Normal norns will drown if they fall into the flooded volcano, because there is no safe place where a puffer fish could place them.

Last changes: 10/04/03