The Daily Creature
(Light Version)

Creatures Unlimited

Please send in your Creatures!

To continue with "The Daily Creature" we are reliant on your co-operation. So please submit your creatures (Norns, Grendels, Ettins) to us.

What do you have to do?

Write an email to and include the creature and a photo of it. We prefer JPG, GIF or PNG, but Bitmap will do as well.

Don't forget to specify the age (baby, child, ...), sex (male, female) generation and genus (norn, ettin, grendel) of your creature as well as the sprites needed to show it's appearance properly.

In addition, if you wish, you may give some short information about the creature's genome (ie Canny, Gizmo, Fastager ...) or it's behaviour. Further, let us know, if you want us to mention your email or homepage adress.

Please take into account that we will only accept creatures sent in with photo and the specifications mentioned above. Also note: sending in a creature means that you give us permission to host and publish it as "The Daily Creature" and in "The Daily Creature Archive"at Creatures Unlimited.

TIA and have fun with today's Daily Creature ! :-)