Creatures Community
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
More functionality will be added to this website very soon that will allow members of the Creatures Community to join in and create an amazing resource archive and one stop station for Creatures fun!
The website will soon feature a single login that will provide:
1.) Access to the forums where members can exchange information, the joys of playing the Creatures Series of games, and keep up with what's new and news with all their fellow members.
2.) Advertisement of your own creatures sites via links, information, and rotating banners.
3.) Complete contact information for all the members with sections for MSN Messenger, ICQ, AOL IM, Yahoo! Messenger, and email.
4.) A way for members to post their own Fan-Fics, Poetry, and Art.
5.) A way for members to post their own Cobs & Agents, Breeds & Genomes, and Metarooms.
6.) A way for longstanding members to post Community News articles.
7.) TA way for longstanding members to post help articles to add to the Help database.
8.) An Automated Creature Adoption Service.