Based on the list by Xan. Updated and converted to local downloads.
This is a work in progress. If you see any errors please contact us on the discord!
If you find it useful, please consider donating!
Image | Breed | Slot |
| 2022 Banana Norn | Ettin Q |
| 2022 Classic Grendels | Ettin W |
| 2022 Horse Norns | Ettin V |
| 2022 White Haired Pixie Norn | Ettin R |
| Aardvark Norns There is only one lifestage and they remain quadrupedal their entire life. They are indeed norns, not geats. | Ettin Y |
| Affordable Norns | Grendel S |
| Akatora Norns Sprites: Trix | Grendel D |
| Albian Blue Norns | Ettin X |
| Alien Norns Created by Alien | Norn T |
| Amphibinorns | Geat Y |
| Ancient Magma Norns Sprites: Erling | Ettin G |
| Angler Grendels | Grendel U |
| Apple Norns Concept: Edash | Norn Y |
| AquaNorns Sprites: Tomtschek | Ettin K |
| Astro Norn Official Mall Breed. | Norn M |
| Atavist Ettins Sprites: C2 Official ettin | Ettin D |
| Bald Norns Bald Norns are a bit more susceptible to the cold and a little less so to heat. Made by THEdragon. | Norn U |
| Banana Norns (C12DS) Part of C12DS | Geat K |
| Banshee Grendels Official Mall Breed | Grendel B |
| Basilisk Norns Made by Dragoler | Grendel I |
| Beastaur Norns Only the 'beast' half of the breed has new sprites (legs and tail); the norn half can be substituted in from other breeds. | Norn T |
| Bengal des Neiges Alternately 'snow bengals'. There is a v1 version of this with slightly different sprites; I haven't been able to track it down or find it in my archives. | Ettin O |
| Bengal Norns Official Breed. Comes with C3. | Norn B From C3 |
| Bengal Wingies There is a mod version available in the download as well (that replaces default Bengals). You still require Bengals (and thus Creatures 3) to use these, this version just doesn't replace the originals. This is outright badly packaged and missing sprites, resulting in these showing up with Ettin parts | |
| Beowulf Norns Originally taken down and presumed lost. Based on hardman norns. Cause of controversy in the community. See wiki for details. | Geat B |
| Blackberry Norns | Grendel U |
| Black Blob There are a couple of different variants of the sprite set included. Be advised that having multiple geats in a world can cause a world-breaking bug | Geat D |
| Blood Grendels Made by Silverpelt | Grendel K |
| Bloom Norns | Norn P |
| Bloom Norns Remastered Replaces regular Bloom Norns | Norn P |
| Blueberry Norns | Norn V |
| Boglight Grendels | Grendel U |
| Boid Norns | Ettin E |
| Bondi Norns Originally Creatures mall breed. | Norn F |
| Boney Grendels C2 Port | Grendel C |
| Bruin Norns | Norn A From C3 |
| Bruin Wingies Thought lost but restored. | Geat K |
| Bry Norns By Erling | Geat D |
| Bry Norns (Remastered) | Geat D |
| Bubble Norns | Geat D |
| Butterfly Norns Amanora's default genomes breed uniquely poorly with others, so be careful. This only applies if you're laying fresh eggs; creatures that just happen to use her sprites are probably fine | Geat A |
| C12DS Proto Ron Norns | Ettin P |
| C2 Pixie Norns 2024 | Norn U |
| C2toDS Bulbous Grendels | Grendel T |
| C2toDS Worker Ettin | Ettin D |
| Calico Norns | Ettin Y |
| Carna Norns Originally for CCSF. Repackaged separate from TWB breeds for this breed list. Sprites by Papubuntu. | Geat V |
| CAtoDS Alba Norns | Ettin T |
| CAtoDS Malay Norns | Geat T |
| CAtoDS Pippin Norns | Grendel D |
| CAtoDS Primrose Norns | Geat J |
| CAtoDS Tiger Norns | Grendel Z |
| Centaur Norns | Norn Q |
| Cheese Ettins | Ettin R |
| Chichi Norns Came with Docking Station. Base of many breeds. Download supplied for reinstall purposes. | Norn D |
| Chichi Wingies Identical to Chichis other than wings. Also called just 'wingies'. | Norn R |
| Chic Norns | Norn Q |
| City Norns Beta found and added as an optional download. Uncertain on the differences. | Norn P |
| Civet Norns Official Breed. Patch 2 adds an 'expressive' variant; the original genomes rarely moved their face much | Norn C From C3 |
| Civet Wingies ... like the Bengal Wingies, these are objectively broken (missing wrist sprites = ettin limbs). Like the Bengal Wingies, Fix by Xan provided along with download. | Ettin Q |
| Creatures Sorrowbane Norn | Norn A |
| Crimson Norns | Grendel Z |
| Curiosa Norns (Compatible) By CosmiSynth and Jesseth | Grendel N |
| Curiosa Norns I really can't tell how intentional/unintentional the body data situation here is (but I love them so much). | Geat L |
| Dale Norns | Ettin D |
| Dappled Velvet Norns | Geat X |
| Dark Pixie Norns | Norn W |
| Deep Norns | Norn W |
| Desert Ettins Official Breed. | Ettin A From C3 |
| Desert Norns Converted from C2. | Ettin M |
| Dlaaks Females heads turn red on adulthood. Comes in both Norn and Geat versions Be advised that having multiple geats in a world can cause a world-breaking bug | Norn Y |
| Dól Norns | Ettin W |
| Dodgy Norns Original plan for C12DS was to only include Dodgy norns, project expanded to convert all C1 breeds. | Geat Y |
| Draconian Norns (Remastered) | Geat Z |
| Draconian Norns Separate file to replace norn voices with custom voice Update adds new pregnancy sprites and hand-drawn wyvern wings by Dragoler | Geat Z |
| Dragonfly Demon Ettins | Ettin U |
| Dragon Grendels | Grendel G |
| Dream Norns Amanora's default genomes breed uniquely poorly with others, so be careful. This only applies if you're laying fresh eggs; creatures that just happen to use her sprites are probably fine. | Geat F |
| Drider Grendels | Grendel A |
| Dusky Grendels | Grendel L |
| Dustdevil Grendels Comes with several agents. | Grendel X |
| Easter Bunny Norns Only one life stage. | Grendel O |
| Emerald Norns Originally from C2 | Ettin I |
| Eskimo Norns Will hatch from ettin egg layer in c3. Fix supplied. | Geat E |
| Estrella Norns Presumed lost, but found! | Geat U |
| Ettin Aliens One life stage. Port of alien from CV. standard desert ettin genetics. | Ettin X |
| Fairyfloss Norns | Norn Z |
| Fallow Norns Offical Mall Breed. Also part of Creatures Exodus | Norn K |
| Fimbul Norns | Grendel T |
| Fire Norns | Ettin F |
| Flora Norns Amanora's default genomes breed uniquely poorly with others, so be careful. This only applies if you're laying fresh eggs; creatures that just happen to use her sprites are probably fine. | Geat I |
| Forest Norns (C12DS) Part of C12DS | Geat O |
| Frog Norns (C2) These are the Frog Norns, base genome Bondi, they also already have the swimmer chemical, and obviously eat critters when hungry for fat. These are only one life stage and both sexes look the same like in the original game. | Grendel Y |
| Gaia Please pick the correct download for the version of creatures you are using! It is really hard to capture what or why Gaia is one image; she's scripted to double as a sentient ecosystem monitor. Keep in mind that Creatures 3 came out around the same time Farscape was airing, and she might make more sense. Be advised that having multiple geats in a world can cause a world-breaking bug | Geat G |
| Gaius Comes with a custom Geat voice. Be advised that having multiple geats in a world can cause a world-breaking bug | Geat H |
| Gargoyle Norns Will pop out of Grendel egg layer without patch provided. | Geat W |
| Gecko Norns Sprites for only one life stage. Requires patch or it will spawn from the grendel mother. | Norn G |
| Geode Grendels | Grendel U |
| Geo Norns | Geat G |
| Ghostly Norns Egg agent is missing genome. Comes with norns to import. | Ettin I |
| Ghost Norns | Norn X |
| Giraffe Norns (CV) | Grendel Y |
| Glacier Ettins (Remastered) Full breed. By CosmiSynth and Jesseth | Ettin X |
| Glacier Ettins Tail sprites only. | Ettin X |
| Glow-in-the-Dark Ettins Also known as GITD ettin. | Ettin G |
| Golden Desert Norns (C2) Conversion of C2 breed. CFE Norns. | Geat E |
| Green Laguna Norns | Norn S |
| Grendels (C12DS) No Baby Sprites, one life stage. Based on C1 Grendel. Part of C12DS. Comes with Grendel voice. | Grendel H |
| Guppy Ettins | Ettin F |
| Halloween Norns Originally in Norn D slot moved to Geat H after launch of DS. Both versions provided. Only have one life stage and no body data. | Geat H |
| Happy Norns | Geat H |
| Hardman Norns Official Creatures Mall breed. | Norn N |
| Harlequin Norns Official Mall Breed. Also included in Exodus. | Norn O |
| Hircine Norns V1 | Grendel T |
| Hircine Norn V2 | Grendel E |
| Honey Badger Norns Body sprites only. | Ettin O |
Honey Ettins | Ettin B | |
| Honey Ettins | Ettin B |
| Horse Norns (C12DS) Part of C12DS. Originally from C1. | Geat M |
| Indianer Norns | Geat I |
| Indio Norns | Norn W |
| Infernal Grendels | Grendel V |
| Ivy Norns | Geat B |
| Jade Norns | Geat D |
| Jungle Grendels Comes with C3/Exodus. Official Breed. | Grendel A From C3 |
| Jungle Norns Made by Helen and Tomtschek | Geat J |
| Kunterbunt Norns "Potpourri Norns" in English. | Ettin E |
| Laguna Norns I thought these were Bondi's at first glance. Pretty blue! | Norn S |
| Lemming Ettins | Ettin L |
| Lilac Norns | Norn L |
| Lollipop Norns Previously to Eemfoo considered lost. | Geat V |
| Luminous Grendels Comes with unique genome and agents. Has a fix for body data. | Grendel O |
| Lycan Norns | Norn W |
| Magma Norns Originally part of Creatures Internet Edition (a boxed copy of C3 & DS). Eventually a free download from Gameware. | Norn E |
| Magma Wingies Prior to Eemfoo, no known links. Requires Magma Norns to be installed. | Ettin V |
| Maraquan Grendels Arm fix required to use. | Grendel W |
| Mask Bengal Norns Mask breeds have a random color on each sprite frame. | Norn M Geat M |
| Mask Bruin Norns | Norn N |
| Mask Civet Norns Has a fix for female heads. | Norn O |
| Mask Ettins Has a fix for feet. | Ettin J |
| Mask Grendels | Grendel J |
| Mercury Norns | Ettin H |
| Micro Ettins One life-stage. Fix required. | Ettin B |
| Micro Grendels One life stage. fix replaces broken male atts with working female. | Grendel E |
| Micro Sprite Norns One life stage. both Ettin V and Q slots supplied in download | Ettin V |
| Mojo Norns Made by Arnout | Norn T |
| Moonlight Norns Also stylized as Moon Light Norns. | Grendel V |
| Mosaic Grendels | Grendel O |
| Mountain Norns Little-to-no sexual dimorphism. Two known Versions. | Norn G |
| Mountain Norns V2 Version 2 contains more sexual dimorphism. Two known Versions. 2.0 Comes with additional genetics and agents. | Norn G |
| Multi Malay Norns (CV port) Have also seen this referred to on norn Z - maybe that's where the green one is supposed to be...? Every image I've found of these shows a pair of green norns whereas the file I downloaded definitely has dimorphic colors (no pigmentation in genome) | Norn X |
| Nac-Mac Bibble Cute one-stage norn breed, inspired by the work of Terry Pratchett. | Norn P |
| Nano Norns One life stage, also stylized as "nano bruin norn". | Ettin T |
| Nenya Norns Reslotted by Verm and Lacota to Ettin X to prevent conflict with C12DS | Geat K Ettin X |
| Nightcrawler Ettins | Ettin J |
| Nimbus Norns | Norn R |
| Ombra Norns | Ettin R |
| Painted Chichi Norns Allegedly inspired by the Mask series of breeds. However, Jewels passed away before Docking Station came out. These are made by another person. | Geat P |
| Panda Norns | Grendel R |
| Pearlescent Grendels Made by THEDragon. Zip includes concept art. | Grendel P |
| Pearl Mermaid Norns | Norn S |
| Pink Alba Norns (CV convert) No forward facing arm sprites. One life stage only. No egg agent. | Norn Z |
| Pink Poodle Ettins Comes with custom voices (replaces stock ettin voices if you have C3) | Ettin P |
| Pixie Norns (C12DS) Part of C12DS. Originally from C1. | Geat L |
| Pixie Norns (C2 port) Originally part of C2. | Norn U |
| Plague Ettins Default genome constantly sneezes. Not quite 'toxic norns but ettins'. Voice pack supplied separately. | Ettin C |
| Plant Norns | Grendel P |
| Pleasantville Norns | Norn Y |
| Porcelain Norns | Ettin E |
| Primavera Norns Thought lost prior to Eemfoo. | Geat R |
| Primrose Norns (CV port) | Geat Q |
| Protector Norns Originally thought lost prior to Eemfoo. Wiki didn't even have a picture. Existing version had issue with tails, both versions made available. Fixed by Verm. | Grendel Q |
| Pumuckl Norns Originally contained in an exe installer. unpacked for ease of use. | Norn Q |
| Purple Mountain Norns (C12DS) Part of C12DS. Foot fix provided. | Geat N |
| Pyrite Grendels | Grendel G |
| Raccoon Norns Thought lost, Original male adult sprites by sentinel. Found and revived. Additional sprites by Verm, genetics and egg agent by Lacota. Males and females look the same. | Geat Q |
| Radiation Norns | Geat D |
| Rain Ettins One stage, stays small. | Ettin R |
| Red Orchid Norns | Ettin E |
| Reindeer Norns One life stage. | Norn R |
| Ron Norns (C12DS) Part of C12DS. | Geat P |
| Rorschach Norns | Norn Z |
| Ryu Norns | Norn U |
| Sabertooth Norns I love seeing breeds that try something new! | Norn X |
| Sahara Norns | Geat S |
| Santa Norns (1997) Originally from C1. | Geat S |
| Santa Norns (C12DS) Part of C12DS. Originally from C1. | Geat R |
| Santa Norns (non C12DS) I'm not sure when these came out in relation to C12DS, but they were made by someone else. Found on | Geat R |
| Sea Ettins Original download missing tail sprites. Fixed by Professor C-Dawg with help from Verm! | Ettin S |
| Sea Norns | Geat B |
| Shadow Norns | Grendel R |
| Shag-a-Delic | Norn S |
| "Shee" Thought lost. Restored for eemfoo. Be advised that having multiple geats in a world can cause a world-breaking bug | Grendel S |
| Shiny Bengal Norns These remind me of mask norns. | Ettin Z |
| Siamese Norns Creatures Mall Breed. | Norn L |
| Slither Grendels Legless Grendels | Grendel N |
| Slugcats | Geat S |
| Smaller Ettins | Ettin B |
| Smaller Grendels | Grendel E |
| Snow Foxes | Ettin J |
| Sphinx Norns | Geat X |
| Spot Norns | Ettin U |
| Sprite Norns Fix for Macro (normal/large sized norns) | Ettin Q |
| Sulfer Grendels | Grendel S |
| Suliban Norns Mostly invisible, came in two zips. combined for ease of use. | Geat Z |
| Synergy Norns | Geat U |
| Tabby Norns | Ettin W |
| Temple Norns | Geat C |
| Tiger Grendels (Compatible) | Geat T |
| Tiger Grendels | Grendel X |
| Tilynn Norns Some cleanup issues on sprites, mostly baby stage. | Grendel Q |
| Toro Norns | Geat F |
| Toxic Norns Creatures mall breed. | Norn J |
| Transgender Norns Chichi's with swapped genders. | Geat T |
| Treehugger Norns Official Mall Breed. | Norn H |
| Trident Norns | Norn V |
| Tunnel Ettins | Ettin Z |
| Turtle Norns One life stage.Also 'tortues norns'. | Geat T |
| Tuxedo Norns | Ettin Z |
| Undine Norns They stay 'youth sized' and smaller than other norns as adults. One stage. | Ettin L |
| Uni Norns By Coran | Norn Q |
| Uninteresting Norns Thought lost, Restored. Fun sepia tone. | Norn Q |
| Unseen Norns | Norn Z |
| Vampyre Grendels Comes with agents. These are actually grendels. | Grendel F |
| Veharke Priest Norns Lost for a long time. Floating heads, no body data. | Grendel Y |
| Vidya Norns Ported and updated by Erling | Grendel K |
| Weihnachts Norns The males are Santas, The female angels. Unsure if unreleased. Only known picture. | Geat W |
| Wildkat Norns | Norn Q |
| Winged Ettins No relation to wingies. | Ettin W |
| Wood Norns Remastered These wood norn varieties all supersede each other, so you'll need to uninstall one if you want another. | Norn Q |
| Wood Norns V1 These wood norn varieties all supersede each other, so you'll need to uninstall one if you want another. | Norn Q |
| Wood Norns V2 These wood norn varieties all supersede each other, so you'll need to uninstall one if you want another. | Norn Q |
| Yautja Norns | Norn V |
| Yellowstone Norns | Geat Y |
| Yellowstone Wingies | Ettin Y |
| Yeren Grendels Comes with Ostrova, linux/mac installer is drag and drop files. Windows used an installer. linux version provided. | Grendel I |
| Yettin Ettins | Ettin N |
| Yettins (Compatible) | Ettin N |
| Zebra Norns Creatures Mall breed. | Norn I |
| Zeta Reticuli Ettins | Ettin G |
| Zivil Norns Only known picture. | Geat F |
| Zoran Norns | Geat Z |
| Zwergbunt Grendels Stays youth sized as an adult. | Grendel M |