C2 World List

Below is the most complete list of C2 worlds known

This is a work in progress. If you see any errors please contact us on the discord!

AlbaDonDesigned to crash less often than vanilla Albia
Albia at NightNornenMeister
AlbitopiaNornenMeisterFull of many kinds of objects. Comes with "Perry RodNorn"
AlblivionDon, MK112Completely flat area with some vanilla food and toys. Designed to be expanded upon.
Animal ArenaNornenMeisterFull of critters
Better AlbiaGimmeCatFixes rooms and vital scripts. Comes with additional patches. Essential for any C2 player!
C1toC2GimmeCatWork in progress - no download available yet!
Christmas in AlbiaNornenMeisterbased on Albia at Night
Das Piratenschiff/The Pirate ShipNornenMeister
Dragon Nornior/Project Erdrickjcarrcwalk, JayD, BRFSort of a JRPG ported to the medium of Creatures. Hasn't been tested yet but sounds interesting.
Flying WonderlandNornenMeisterAlmost entirely empty except for the incubator area. Designed for flying creatures
LochAlbiaDon, MK112Completely empty. Almost entirely filled with water except for incubator area. All creatures can swim.
MontuAli MaggsOriginally sold for real money on the Chaos Creations store. First wholly custom C2 world. It is meant to be a sort of adventure where you navigate your norn through puzzles, but in execution it's terrible.
NerinathGimmeCat, Geat masta, TheDrunkenNornFirst C2 world in almost 15 years. Completely flat plain with some food and toys in. Designed for wolfling runs.Download
Sweet WorldNornenMeisterVanilla Albia with threats removed
The Albian Sea BayNornenMeisterBackground is a tank from The Amazing Virtual Sea-MonkeysDownload
Vulkanausbruch auf Albia/Volcanic Eruption in AlbiaNornenMeisterDesigned for Vulcana Norns. Apparently not that dangerous?
WaterWorldMadDocVanilla Albia with the radioactivity removed and almost every room filled with water