Eemfoo Search



Injects a Valentine for your norns. It increases sex drive while decreasing pain, loneliness and fear. Creatures see it as a shower/comfort object. Uses class number 2 12 69. Remover included.

Rain Stormedit

Injects a rain cloud between the grendel tree and the island. As it passes over the grendel tree, it starts to rain, then moves east to west over Albia to the watchtower. There is a 1% chance of a li

Rain Stormedit

Injects a rain cloud between the grendel tree and the island. As it passes over the grendel tree, it starts to rain, then moves east to west over Albia to the watchtower. There is a 1% chance of a li

Pcas (2).zipedit

Sort of an all-purpose COB. It'll take the camera to dead norns(all the more reason to get rid of them), and cures any norns, all in all, a great COB. -Data200


This is an altered version of Brad Fermanich's Weed-B-Gone COB. This COB uses the same sprites and sounds as the original Weed-B-Gone, except instead of removing weeds, the spray bottle will kill off