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Treehugger Nornedit

Repacked without the stray grendel and ettin ATTs, which caused problems with third-party breeds. . Treehuggers are children of Nature and great lovers of the many plants, animals and insects you can find aboard the Creatures 3 Ark and the Docking Station Cap

Hardman Nornsedit

Hardman norns are a violent breed of norn, specializing in beating up grendels. This agent includes calm balm and a grendel toy for norns to hit, to to help alleviate the Hardman norn aggression. Also include are chili pepper and the Awkwood Creeper .

Roamer 1.1edit

This robotic spider-rock wanders around the world, occasionally releasing sprays as needed. If any bacteria are nearby then an anti-bacterial spray is released, and if any creatures are nearby then either a curing spray or a "feel-good" spray is rele

Norngarden 2 v1.1edit

Norngarden 2 Version 1.1 Norngarden 2 is the second part of the Metaroom series for Dockingstation. It should work in Creatures 3 Standallone if you have Norngarden 1 in your world but that hasen't been tested verry much. To install it you simpla drag the ng2.

Primordia Reduxedit

Created by Ghosthande for the CCSF 2012 Primordia is a metaroom I originally created for the 2008 Creatures Community Spirit Festival. It has a distinctive prehistoric flavor, and is intended to provide a more comfortable home for the Banshee Grendels and othe