Apple jam, on-demand. Just give it a push to watch it heat up and work its magic.
Apple jam, on-demand. Just give it a push to watch it heat up and work its magic.
::----- Readme.txt -----:: This COB file created ONLY FOR CREATURES2! The requirements: Latest Object Injector,from The image created in a format 5-5-5(16 bit). If your computer works in a 5-6-5(32bit)format,try change you comp's adjustment,or notify me and I shall send you images in the appropriate format. To use place cob file into Creatures2/Objects folder You free to post this files on you page,but you need inform me about it. The image and COB file created by me. My email and url ***** Nina ---===+*+*+*+===--- Ýòîò COB ôàéë ñäåëàí ÒÎËÜÊÎ äëÿ Creatures2! Äëÿ ðàáîòû ýòîãî êîáà âàì íóæíî óñòàíîâèòü latest Object Injector ñ Ñïðàéòû ýòîãî êîáà ñäåëàíû â ôîðìàòå 5-5-5(16áèò),íî åñëè âàø êîìïüþòåð íàñòðîåí íà 5-6-5 ôîðìàò(36áèò),òî ëèáî íåðåíàñòðîéòå åãî,ëèáî íàïèøèòå ìíå è ÿ âûøëþ âàì ñïðàéòû âàøåãî ôîðìàòà. Äëÿ ðàáîòû ïîìåñòèòå cob ôàéë â Creatures2/Objects ïàïêó Âû ìîæåòå ïîìåñòèòü ýòîò êîá íà âàøó ñòðàíèöó,íî ïîòðóäèòåñü èçâåñòèòü ìåíÿ îá ýòîì,ëàäíî? Êîá è âñå ñïðàéòû ñäåëàëà ÿ. Ìîé åìàèë è url ***** Íèíà
Vends a pot of tasty Apple Jam for your Norn.