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  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Grendel_Slayer
  • Norn-Master
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SulibanProject by Grendel_Slayer and Norn-Master for Docking Station, is an agent and breed pack with a toy agents

Text File Composite

::----- ReadMe.txt -----::
Suliban Norns

The Suliban norns are based on the Suliban from the Star Trek series "Enterprise". On the series members of the Kabal are given genetic enhancements, so each type of Suliban breed has their own special abilities. The types are:
Type 1= Are allergic to pain (It causes them to age rapidly).
Type 2= Live longer than usual norns.
Type 3= Live underwater.
Type 4= Are almost immune to all diseases.
Type 5= Gain food through photosynthesis.
Type 6= Live there own life in about 30 minutes.
Type 7= Look like grendels (if you have C3 or CIE).
Type 8= Look like ettins (if you have C3 or CIE).

 If you have any more ideas for more suliban types feel free to e-mail me at ***** and I will do my best to make them!
These norns have new sprites, to install them put all the files ending in .c16 into your C3/DS image directory. Put all the files ending in .gen in the genetics file and the ones ending in .agent in the My Agents folder.
  Genetics: Norn-Master and Grendel_Slayer
  Images: Norn-Master
  Egg files: Norn-Master
  Agents (coding): ub1111

Agent Contents


A Toy Enterprise. Its a replica of the one from Star Trek. If you have any problems with this agent please email me at *****



A Toy Enterprise. Its a replica of the one from Star Trek. If you have any problems with this agent please email me at *****


Phase Pistal

A Toy Phase Pistal, Just like the ones from Star Trek. If you have any problems with this agent please email me at *****


Phase Pistal

A Toy Phase Pistal, Just like the ones from Star Trek. If you have any problems with this agent please email me at *****



This is a sheild to protect your norns from harm


This is a sheild to protect your norns from harm

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Geat: 'z'
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Old, Senile]
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Old, Senile]

Other Images

Agent Preview - Sheild (C3)
Agent Preview - Sheild (C3)
Agent Preview - Phase Pistal
Agent Preview - Phase Pistal
Agent Preview - Phase Pistal
Agent Preview - Phase Pistal
Agent Preview - Enterprise
Agent Preview - Enterprise
Agent Preview - Enterprise (C3)
Agent Preview - Enterprise (C3)
Agent Preview - Sheild
Agent Preview - Sheild