Sabertooth Norns

Sabertooth Norns thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Sabertooth
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Ghosthande
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File Size: 2.6 MB

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The Sabertooth Norns are a Norn Breed created by Ghosthande for the CCSF 2009. They were inspired by the sabertooth cat, Smilodon, and a prehistoric metaroom named KT.

Sabertooth Norns are mainly carnivorous, and they much prefer to hunt critters than eat fruit. Being a primitive breed, they may require some training to successfully integrate into a modern environment such as the Norn Meso. However, despite having a higher resilience to injury they are more sensitive to reward and punishment, making it possible to train them more quickly than other breeds--although they can also hold a grudge against the Hand if treated harshly.

The breed takes up Norn Slot X.

The Sabertooth Norns are a primitive breed with a CFE-based genome. Despite their brains, their instincts are somewhat specialized due to their origins, which makes caring for them slightly more challenging than your run-of-the-mill ChiChi Norn.

Sabertooth Norns will eat most foods. Just like real cats, they are not attracted to fruit, and you may find that they prefer hunting critters instead.

As a word of warning: the Sabertooth Norns have been known to autokill the Capillata's doors. This is a bug in the doors themselves, not a problem with the breed. Hopefully, someday someone will correct the DS doors' coding to fix this issue. In the meantime, it is recommended that you lock the Capillata doors so that the Norns cannot use them.

Last updated 9/16/10 with an improved genome.

Text File Composite

::----- READ ME FIRST.txt -----::
The Sabertooth Norns are a primitive breed with a CFE-based genome. Despite their brains, their instincts are somewhat specialized due to their origins, which makes caring for them slightly more challenging than your run-of-the-mill ChiChi.

Sabertooth Norns will eat most foods. Just like real cats they are not attracted to fruit, and you may find that they prefer hunting critters instead.

As a word of warning: the Sabertooth Norns have been known to autokill the Capillata's doors. This is a bug in the doors themselves, not a problem with the breed. Hopefully some day someone will correct the DS doors' coding to fix this issue. In the mean time, it is recommended that you lock the Capillata doors so that the Norns cannot use them.

Last updated 9/16/10 with an improved genome.

Creator: Ghosthande
 E-mail: *****

Agent Contents

Sabertooth Norn - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: 'x'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent]

Breed Images

fb8a - Breed C3NX
fb8a - Breed C3NX
fb8a - Breed C3NX
fb8a - Breed C3NX
Breed C3NX preview
Breed C3NX preview

Other Images

fb8a - Breed C3NX
fb8a - Breed C3NX