A jungle themed metaroom created by eemfoo and bedalton!
Makes use of AI generated images that were photo-bashed, edited and corrected by eemfoo.
Robots and fruit are AI generated, and animated by bedalton
A jungle themed metaroom created by eemfoo and bedalton!
Makes use of AI generated images that were photo-bashed, edited and corrected by eemfoo.
Robots and fruit are AI generated, and animated by bedalton
::----- readme.txt -----:: Jungle Ruins A jungle themed metaroom created by eemfoo and bedalton! Makes use of AI generated images that were photo-bashed, edited and corrected by eemfoo Robots and fruit are AI generated, and animated by bedalton == Version: 1.1.0 == Fixes catalogue issues and adds missing descriptions If metaroom has already been installed, copy the included foodalton_jruins.catalogue file over the old file into your catalogue directory and restart your game.
Ruins in the jungle