You must put the agents data in the folder Creatures 3/My Agents, if you have only Docking Station, put that in the folder Docking Station and not Creatures 3
And then you can make the Moon Light Agents, which are:
- Moon Light Carrot, grows in many places
- Moon Light Cheese Vendors, they can produce very much cheese and need no bioenergy
- Moon Light Chopper Toy, fun for your Norns
- Moon Light Space Toy, also fun
- Moon Light Commedia, this Commedia is a teleporter and brings your norns to another moon light commedia
- Moon Light Mond, (Mond is Germany for moon) is a flying moon, if you push it, it makes Moon Cookies
And all these agents make the room dark, then your Moon Light norns feel at home, but some plants never grow nearby.