Apple Norns

Apple Norns thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Apple Norns.rar
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Edash
  • Risen Angel
Wiki Link
File Size: 1.94 MB

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Text File Composite

::----- applenorn_readme.txt -----::
----Apple Norns----

Pulled from Moe's archives, these Apple Norns, originally meant to be released with the Canopy, are finally seeing the light of day.  Similar to the Treehuggers they bear a thin ancestry to, these Norns are very social and love to eat fruits.  Their fur is waxy and smooth, making them prefer moist environments.  They are at one with nature, and will chase clouds or any kind of weather when homesick.  They have a strong immune system; boasting a resistance to ATP Decoupler and Cyanide, which is found in trace amounts inside of apple seeds.  They tend to be great navigators and bear eggs with considerable ease.


Liam - Forced takeover of the project!!!
Moe - Images
Edash - Concept
GrendelMan - Genetics
Vampess - CFE Genome

Agent Contents

Apple Norns - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: 'y'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult]

Breed Images

Breed C3NY preview
Breed C3NY preview
Breed C3NY preview
Breed C3NY preview
e89b - Breed C3NY - e2
e89b - Breed C3NY - e2

Other Images

Breed C3NY preview
Breed C3NY preview