Underwater Names (PT)

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Original File Underwater Name Bits for Protective Tub.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Jessica
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Protective_Tub
File Size: 4 KB

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For use with Protective Tub.

The Protective Tub agent has brought countless new names to Docking Station, and this list opens up even more possibilities! Included are all sorts of underwater themed names based on fish families and scientific names. Colors are used as adjectives, with thousands of possible combinations. They're perfect for aquatic worlds, or for those in need of another unique naming scheme! This list includes:

- 102 Adjectives (i.e. Azure, Blue, Coral, Platinum, etc.)

- 546 Nouns (i.e. Anostomus, Channa, Inermiidae, Polyzona, etc.)

All names have been kept to a reasonable length: The maximum length of any word is 10 characters, so that the longest names possible with this list are 21 characters (adjective + space + noun). The average length to expect is somewhere in the 14-16 character range, with shorter and longer combinations possible.

Text File Composite

::----- DS-Protective-Tub-Underwater-Readme.txt -----::
Protective Tub Underwater Names List
Created by Jessica of Discover Albia
Original File by Amaikokonut
Version 1.0


This file will overwrite the existing random_name_bits.catalogue file. Make sure to create a backup before copying over the new catalogue file. Additionally, this copy should be moved to another directory to avoid any startup errors in Docking Station.


This file will only work in Docking Station, and requires Protective Tub to already be installed.


The Protective Tub agent has brought countless new names to Docking Station, and this list opens up even more possibilities! Included are all sorts of underwater themed names based on fish families and scientific names. Colors are used as adjectives, with thousands of possible combinations. They're perfect for aquatic worlds, or for those in need of another unique naming scheme! This list includes:

- 102 Adjectives (i.e. Azure, Blue, Coral, Platinum, etc.)
- 546 Nouns (i.e. Anostomus, Channa, Inermiidae, Polyzona, etc.)

All names have been kept to a reasonable length: The maximum length of any word is 10 characters, so that the longest names possible with this list are 21 characters (adjective + space + noun). The average length to expect is somewhere in the 14-16 character range, with shorter and longer combinations possible.


- DS-Protective-Tub-Underwater-Readme.txt
- random_name_bits.catalogue


- Be sure that Protective Tub has been injected at least once to create the initial catalogue file.
- Make sure Creatures 3 and Docking Station are not running.
- Create a backup of the original random_name_bits.catalogue file and move it out of the directory.
- Place the new random_name_bits.catalogue file in the Docking Station\Catalogue directory.
- Reload Docking Station, inject Protective Tub or continue using it, and enjoy!


- All instances of sharing must include the Readme file and proper credit.
- This creation may be privately distributed and shared, provided that all files remain together, including the Readme.