Wolf Corpse Control.zip

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Original File Wolf Corpse Control.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • lisdude
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Text File Composite

::----- README.txt -----::
Wolf Corpse Control v1.2
Adds a keyboard shortcut (Shift+Ctrl+O) to the wolf control dialog (Shift+Ctrl+W) to control automatic corpse removal.

NOTE: The corpse cleaning option persists even after the wolf control box is closed. Similar to how the autokill option works.


1. Copy 'DS wolf control.cos' into your '\Docking Station\Bootstrap\010 Docking Station' folder.

Existing Worlds or Updating:
2. Press 'CTRL-SHIFT-C' to open the CAOS command line and type: ject "DS wolf control.cos" 7
3. Press 'CTRL-SHIFT'C' again to close the command line.


Sharing, Distribution, Archiving, Etc:
Please, feel free to share and archive to your heart's content! All I ask is that you leave this README intact so people know where to find the latest source code.



v1.2            Fix a bug that resulted in wolf control getting autokilled.
v1.1            Decompose bodies rather than immediately disposing of them.
v1.0            Initial release.


Additional Notes:
This script includes Amaikokonut's 'Wolf Control Fix'. Please see the accompanying file 'README_Amaikokonut.txt' for the original patch's readme.


Author:         *****@lisdude.com
Last Modified:  2021-12-20
Source Code:    https://github.com/lisdude/CreaturesStuff

::----- README_Amaikokonut.txt -----::
Wolf Control Fix
by Amaikokonut

Originally released at Naturing :: Nurturing (https://naturingnurturing.blogspot.com)

Please do not rehost this download as long as it is still available at the original host. However, in the event that the site or download links are down, you may rehost this download temporarily until the host returns, provided all files including this readme are intact. Thank you!

If you have any comments, questions, bug reports, or just want to chat, email *****@songua.com

:: About ::

In certain circumstances, the Wolf Control panel may attempt to divide by 0 when trying to find the frame rate, causing an error. This fix just adds a check to ensure that doesn't ever happen.

:: Changelog ::

10-13-2017: New Readme Added
06-07-2010: Initial Release