Roamer 1.1

Roamer 1.1 thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Data
  • Emmental
Wiki Link
File Size: 12 KB

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This robotic spider-rock wanders around the world, occasionally releasing sprays as needed.

If any bacteria are nearby then an anti-bacterial spray is released, and if any creatures are nearby then either a curing spray or a "feel-good" spray is released.

The pink anti-bacterial spray kills any bacteria that the spray clouds touch.

The yellow curing spray reduces disease-related chemicals of any creatures the clouds touch, such as Glycotoxin and Histamines.

The bluey-white "feel-good" spray reduces things such as injury and loneliness of any creatures the clouds touch.

The Roamer itself can also be played with as desired.

After being in a room for a while the Roamer will teleport to another location somewhere in the world.

Text File Composite

::----- readme.txt -----::
Roamer (1.11)

This robotic spider-rock wanders around the world, occasionally
releasing sprays as needed.

If any bacteria are nearby then an anti-bacterial spray is released,
and if any creatures are nearby then either a curing spray or a 
"feel-good" spray is released.

The pink anti-bacterial spray kills any bacteria that the spray clouds

The yellow curing spray reduces disease-related chemicals of any
creatures the clouds touch, such as Glycotoxin and Histamines.

The bluey-white "feel-good" spray reduces things such as injury and
loneliness of any creatures the clouds touch.

The Roamer itself can also be played with as desired.

After being in a room for a while the Roamer will teleport to another
location somewhere in the world.

Concept & CAOS: Emmental
Sprites:        Data

Version history
- Somehow I forgot to recompile the agent for the 1.1 release so that
  version was exactly the same as 1.0.  This version is the release
  that 1.1 was meant to be.
- The roamer now stops moving its legs when pushed, pulled or hit and
  flies further when hit.
- No clouds are released if the roamer is in water.


Agent Contents


A robotic spider-rock that wanders around the world occasionally releasing sprays as needed.

Other Images

Agent Preview - Roamer
Agent Preview - Roamer