Extra Moniker Names v1.11

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Original File Moniker_Names.zip
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Adds extra moniker names for creatures to use, so that everyone has the same amount. It's mostly just flavor but is nice if you need to get a specific creature's gene file and they don't all start with the same word.

Text File Composite

::----- Readme.txt -----::
Extra Moniker Names


By Verm

Drop in the catalogue folder

Version 1.1 should hopefully not get overridden moniker names from the grendel upgrade

Version 1.11 Removes capital names, as they were bad.

Made by Verm from the Norn Nebula/Dominion Discord/Caos Coding Cave/Creatures Discord Discord
To contact me, join one of the above discords
You can do what you want with this agent, as long as I get credit for this

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