Bry Norns Remastered

Bry Norns Remastered thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Erling
  • CosmicSynthetics
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Brys have the really neat gimmick of containing sprite parts from all of the creatures games that feature unique art. This remaster is a complete cleanup of the bry norns by Erling!

Remaster cleans up black edges and floating pixels, fills holes and adds missing sprites and life stages. Missing pieces have been filled in with artwork from creatures 0 and creatures alchemist

Text File Composite

::----- Bry_Norns_Remastered-GeneticsNotes-CS.txt -----::
"Expressive" Bry Genome Notes

Template Genome: Expressive Bruin

*Note: "Clicks" is used in reference to the official genetics kit, since it doesn't allow for exact number input on sliders.

- All "Creature:Facial Expression" genes have any drive requirements lowered by 5 "clicks". This makes them easier to set off.
- All "Creature: Instinct" genes that reduce starch have been tweaked by 3 "clicks"; 3 clicks up for Eat "Plant" (Seed) and 3 clicks down for Eat Fruit.
- All "Biochemistry: Chemical Receptor (Coldness) genes have been altered:
	- Gain for "Drive Levels: Coldness" decreased by 5 "clicks"
	- Threshold for "Coldness Causes Shivering" increased by 5 "clicks"

::----- Bry_Norns_Remastered-Readme-Jess.txt -----::
Bry norns remastered!

Original sprites by Erling
New/altered sprites by Jesseth
compiling + genetics by Cosmisynth

A complete cleanup of the bry norns by Erling! 

Brys have the really neat gimmick of containing sprite parts from all of the creatures games that feature unique art: 
Originally this was creatures 1-3 and creatures village… With the remaster, as well as cleaning (the myriad of black edges and floating pixels, filling holes and adding missing sprites and life stages) missing pieces have been filled in with artwork from creatures 0 and creatures alchemist, to keep the Brys up to date with having a little bit of them come from every game. c;

For the curious, these are their parts and where they came from!

Head: c2 pixie norn, creatures village hair (I think) custom ears
body: c3 body base, chest fluff is from the c1 male purple mountain norn
upper legs: c3 base
lower legs: c3 base, creatures village pippin hair used for the leg fluff
feet: c3 for the back of the foot, c0 ‘norns’ for the front of the foot, creatures alchemist golden desert norn for front view
upper arm: c3 base
lower arm: c1 1997 santa norn
tail base: creatures alchemist alba norn upper arm
tail end: creatures village pippin hair part.

As this is a remastering but not a complete redo, some areas that contain original Bry parts might be clean around the edges but a little crunchy looking, but it’s all part of the charm of the breed right? c:

The original uses a base chichi genome, and remastered brys use a lightly modified expressive bruin genome to improve their quality of life- This should help you and your brys have a good time!

The remastered version of the genome has the following edits:

- Slightly better resistance to cold (docking station is COLD and norns often find it unpleasant, including base chichis): ‘coldness’ takes longer to build up in their body, giving them more opportunities to warm up, and they need a higher coldness value to start shivering. If they are truly freezing to death, they will still shiver.

- To avoid norns being low on starch, their instinctive drive to eat seeds when hungry for starch is increased, and their instinct to eat fruit when hungry for starch is decreased. The original values were equal, despite fruit giving less starch when eaten. This way they should be more inclined to seek out seeds and to give better advice to starch-hungry norns.

- Lowered thresholds related to facial expressions, meaning they smile, frown, etc more readily. This should help telegraph their emotional state more easily and reduce the instances of miserable norns smiling at the camera while expressing how horrible they feel!

Agent Contents

Bry Norns (Remastered) - Egg Agent

Bry Norns (Remastered) - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Geat: 'd'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Other Images

 Bry Norns - C3SD - Breed Preview
Bry Norns - C3SD - Breed Preview