Hivemind Ettins

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  • Creatures 2
  • Cuff Droppin
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The Hive-Minds are a new strain of ettins that communicate using pheromones, can sense location, and can distinguish between members of their own species. Females are pink and males are blue. They function within a Hive society, where the queen dominates the males and communicates her needs to them through pheromones.

Text File Composite

::----- Hivemind Readme.txt -----::
Hive-Minds v.1.5

What's new since v1.2?

The new Hive-Minds have been revised to include the following changes:

1.) Males are now blue and females are pink
2.) Tweaked pheromone system
3.) Added dendrites to concept and decision lobes
4.) Fixed some reaction genes
5.) Updated the cob so now it won't crash

Plus, hopefully they'll need less food..

What's new since v1.0?

The new Hive-Minds have been revised to include the following changes:

1.) Instincts punish for not sleeping when sleepy
2.) The presence of other females no longer reduces fertility
3.) The conception and perception lobes are expanded
4.) Expanded Care section of the readme
5.) Credit goes to Chris Double and BuddhaMage for suggesting most, if not all, of these

About the Hive-Minds

The Hive-Minds are a new strain of ettins that communicate using pheromones, can sense location, and can distinguish between members of their own species. Females are pink and males are blue. They function within a Hive society, where the queen dominates the males and communicates her needs to them through pheromones. 

Caring for the Hive-Minds

The Hive-Minds are very smart and will survive very well in the Creatures 2 environment. Make sure you inject the cob that came with this zip, otherwise the new lobes and pheromone system won't work.

When a female reaches adolescence, it becomes a queen.
Male drones respond to the queen's needs. Try injecting the Hive-Queen with Anger Increase and watch as the male drones around her become angry themselves.

Also, because of the additional lobes, organ, and instincts, the Hive-Minds eat a lot. Make sure you provide plenty of food in your world for them! In my own experiences, their eating habits can be compared to strip mining. If you don't have lots of food, they will go hungry. Another problem with the Hive-Minds is that they love to bunch up in to groups, as is true with normal norns. This is healthy for them, just make sure they pay attention to themselves and not just the opposite sex! 

Also, the Everyone Can Breed cob that can also be found at Cuff Droppin's Cobs is necessary for the Hive-Minds to reproduce. You had probably better download it if you want to see new baby Hive-Minds. Note that the Hive-Minds love fiddling with eggs, so you may want to get some kind of Egg-Restarter if you plan on a wolfling run.


::----- Readme First.txt -----::
These are the Hive-Mind Ettins v.1.5 for Creatures 2, complete with new sprites.  They take slot H.

The genome and COB were made by Cuff Droppin, whose wonderful COBs, and the basic v.1.5 Hive-Minds, can be obtained at Madame Mim's site:

The male sprites were created by Christian Herwitz, who has many interesting items at his site:

The female sprites are the same as the basic CyberLife originals which came with the game, copied to the H female slot, and pink-tinted by the genome.

The whole package has been put together to take slot H and released, at the request of the creators, by Carolyn Horn, who also beta-tested the genome.

Please read Cuff Droppin's Hivemind Readme.doc (or Hivemind Readme.txt), included in this zipfile, before putting these ettins into your world; and be sure to inject the Hivemind.cob (also included).

As far as I am aware, the COB doesn't clash with any other C2 COBs, but this cannot be guaranteed; I don't think that Cuff has laid claim to a series of species numbers in the newsgroup-maintained list.  The number in this COB is 300.

The files which you should find in this package are:

Essential files:

28 .s16 files -- put these in your Images subdirectory
28 .att files -- put these in your Body Data subdirectory
Hivemind.cob -- put this in your Objects subdirectory
hive.gen -- put this in your Genetics subdirectory; use a genome injector to create new Ettins in your world with it.  Chris Double's freeware GenomeInjector.exe is a wonderful tool for this, available from

Extra files for your convenience:

Young Queen.exp -- A baby female which you can import if you like
Drone.exp -- A child male which you can import if you like
Hive-Mind README.doc -- Cuff's original Readme file (needs Word for Windows)
Hivemind Readme.txt -- Carolyn's text copy of the Readme, for those who don't have Word
Readme First.txt -- this file :-))


Agent Contents

Hive-Mind Cob

Lets the Hive-Minds communicate through pheromones, detect location, and identify other norns.

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Ettin: 'h'
	- MALE: [Child]
	- FEMALE: [Child]

Creature Contents

Name: Drone
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Male


Name: Young Queen
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Female

Breed Images

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c324 - Breed C3EH

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