The Butterfly Norns are a new breed for C3 and DS with their own sprites and genome, they occupy geat slot A. The genome is based on the Chichi genome by Creatures Labs and has been modified by Kathira, very special thanks for this! :-) There are the following changes:
- expanded amount of pigment and pigment bleed genes (so the norns have the same coloration for their full lifetime)
- Butterflies love flowers (Butterflies will be attracted by the scent of flowers if you inject the extra agent)
- Butterflies feel only comfortable when surrounded by plants and flowers
- reduced mutation chance in the pose genes (so you no longer have any problems with hobbling norns)
- reduced mutation chance in the appearance genes (so there will be no sudden mutations changing the appearance of a norn)
If you crossbreed Butterfly Norns with Creatures who have the standard genome, their offspring could be paralyzed. So you should only crossbreed them with creatures who also have the extended colour genome.