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  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
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CreaturesStuff-main for Docking Station, agent

Text File Composite

::----- -----::
# CreaturesStuff
As I've been getting back into Creatures, I've noticed a couple of issues that made it slightly less enjoyable than it could be to get going. This repository is just a collection of things I've found useful for getting the game running in Windows 10 with a high DPI display. And I'll probably dump other random things here as well.

## Semi-Painless Initial Installation
1. Change the installation directory to `C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\Creatures` and install. DO NOT CLICK 'Launch' at the end!
2. Download `FixRegistry.cmd` from here. Right-click on it and choose 'Run as Administrator'. This is the stock installer registry commands with a couple of tweaks. First, it removes the space to fix the infamous "Creatures " (Creatures with a space after it) path issue. It also removes an extraneous slash from one of the paths and adds a bit at the end to unlock the DPI settings within Windows.
3. Install [Creatures Remastered Patch](, but say no to fixing My Documents. I don't know what that's supposed to do but I never noticed it have any effect. And saying no doesn't harm anything.
4. Move the [Recommended Add-ons]( and/or your favorite add-ons into the appropriate C3 and DS folders of [Creatures Add-on Installer]( and run said installer.

### Creatures 3 (Without Docking Station)
At this point, Docking Station should work just fine. Plain Creatures 3, however, has a couple of issues we'll need to correct.

1. Navigate to `C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\Creatures\Creatures 3`
2. Find `engine.exe` and right-click on it. Go to 'Properties' and click the 'Compatibility' tab.
3. Check the 'Run this program in compatibility mode for:' box and choose 'Windows XP' from the drop-down menu.
4. Check the 'Reduced color mode' box and choose '16-bit' from the drop-down menu. Click Ok.
5. Start the game from the 'Creatures Exodus' shortcut. NOTE: Don't start it directly from 'engine.exe'!
6. Hit ALT-Enter to exit fullscreen mode. It will complain about 16-bit color and everything will get weird. Close the window.
7. Now launch 'Creatures Exodus' again (remember, always use the shortcut) and everything should look normal! Resize the window however is comfortable and have fun.

## Recommendations For Broken Installs (Wipe and Start Over)
This is the section for you if you receive error messages when launching the games, things are being put in the wrong place, or you've tried a lot of different fixes for a lot of different problems and everything has gone weird. I find the best approach to fixing these problems is to start over from scratch, ensuring that everything you can possibly delete has been deleted.


::----- README.txt -----::
AutoMute v1.0
Automatically mutes sound effects, music, and creature voices when loading a world.


1. Copy 'AutoMute.agents' into your '\Docking Station\My Agents' folder.
2. Find 'AutoMute' in the agent injector and inject it.

1. Find 'AutoMute' in the agent injector and click the remove button.

1. Remove 'AutoMute' and reinject.


Sharing, Distribution, Archiving, Etc:
Please, feel free to share and archive to your heart's content! All I ask is that you leave this README intact so people know where to find the latest source code.


Author:         *****
Last Modified:  2021-05-09
Source Code:

::----- README.txt -----::
Creature Finder v1.2
Allows you to type simple commands to the hand to find specific creatures by name:

  goto        Move the camera to the creature named .
  hold        Move the camera to the creature named  and hold its hand.
  summon      Pick up the creature named , teleporting it to you.
  get         Move the camera to the creature named  and pick it up.

If  ends with an asterisk (*), it will return the first creature with a name that starts with .
e.g. "summon ron*" could match to a creature named Ronald.


1. Copy 'Creature Finder.cos' into your '\Docking Station\Bootstrap\010 Docking Station' folder.

Existing Worlds or Updating:
2. Press 'CTRL-SHIFT-C' to open the CAOS command line and type: ject "Creature Finder.cos" 7
3. Press 'CTRL-SHIFT'C' again to close the command line.


Sharing, Distribution, Archiving, Etc:
Please, feel free to share and archive to your heart's content! All I ask is that you leave this README intact so people know where to find the latest source code.


v1.2            Add partial matching to creature names.
v1.1            Try to make 'get' less jarring. Also various internal updates to the code.
v1.0            Initial release.


Author:         *****
Last Modified:  2021-05-09
Source Code:

::----- README.txt -----::
Waste Extraction v1.1
Prevent 'grazer waste' from accumulating to the point where it causes lag and game crashes.

This script will run roughly every five minutes and try to keep grazer waste down to about 45.
That seems like plenty of waste sitting around, but if you happen to need more for any reason,
please contact me and let me know! I'd love to know why...


1. Copy 'Waste Extraction.cos' into your '\Docking Station\Bootstrap\010 Docking Station' folder.

Existing Worlds or Updating:
2. Press 'CTRL-SHIFT-C' to open the CAOS command line and type: ject "Waste Extraction.cos" 7
3. Press 'CTRL-SHIFT'C' again to close the command line.


Sharing, Distribution, Archiving, Etc:
Please, feel free to share and archive to your heart's content! All I ask is that you leave this README intact so people know where to find the latest source code.


Author:         *****
Last Modified:  2021-05-07
Source Code:

::----- README.txt -----::
Wolf Corpse Control v1.0
Adds a keyboard shortcut (Shift+Ctrl+O) to the wolf control dialog (Shift+Ctrl+W) to control automatic corpse removal.

NOTE: The corpse cleaning option persists even after the wolf control box is closed. Similar to how the autokill option works.


1. Copy 'DS wolf control.cos' into your '\Docking Station\Bootstrap\010 Docking Station' folder.

Existing Worlds or Updating:
2. Press 'CTRL-SHIFT-C' to open the CAOS command line and type: ject "DS wolf control.cos" 7
3. Press 'CTRL-SHIFT'C' again to close the command line.


Sharing, Distribution, Archiving, Etc:
Please, feel free to share and archive to your heart's content! All I ask is that you leave this README intact so people know where to find the latest source code.


Additional Notes:
This script includes Amaikokonut's 'Wolf Control Fix'. Please see the accompanying file 'README_Amaikokonut.txt' for the original patch's readme.


Author:         *****
Last Modified:  2021-05-11
Source Code:

::----- README_Amaikokonut.txt -----::
Wolf Control Fix
by Amaikokonut

Originally released at Naturing :: Nurturing (

Please do not rehost this download as long as it is still available at the original host. However, in the event that the site or download links are down, you may rehost this download temporarily until the host returns, provided all files including this readme are intact. Thank you!

If you have any comments, questions, bug reports, or just want to chat, email *****

:: About ::

In certain circumstances, the Wolf Control panel may attempt to divide by 0 when trying to find the frame rate, causing an error. This fix just adds a check to ensure that doesn't ever happen.

:: Changelog ::

10-13-2017: New Readme Added
06-07-2010: Initial Release

Agent Contents


Automatically mutes sound effects, music, and creature voices when loading a world.

Other Images

Agent Preview - AutoMute
Agent Preview - AutoMute
Agent Preview - AutoMute
Agent Preview - AutoMute