Freyla Agent Pack 1 by Freylaverse for Docking Station, is an agent pack with critter, fruit and food agents
Freyla Agent Pack 1 by Freylaverse for Docking Station, is an agent pack with critter, fruit and food agents
::----- ReadMe.txt -----:: This stick looks like bamboo, but it is actually a colonial animal more similar to coral! More importantly, it lives in a symbiotic relationship with the Albian mussel, whose eggs float dormant in most bodies of water sourced from Albia. When the stick is at least half submerged, mussels will start to grow on it. Norns can eat these! Made by freylaverse! For feedback, bug reports, or suggestions, email ***** ::----- ReadMe.txt -----:: This is the nectarbox! It looks like a beehive, but in fact, it contains no bees. Instead, it is full of dark-loving plants that slowly exude a sweet, saplike nectar. Your norns will see it as fruit, but only when there is nectar to be harvested! Made by freylaverse! For feedback, bug reports, or suggestions, email ***** ::----- ReadMe.txt -----:: For the lazy caregiver! Creatures can lick the salt lick all day and it will never run down. For nutrition purposes it counts as food, so while this will keep your norns alive, I don't really recommend using this as their full diet... Made by freylaverse! For feedback, bug reports, or suggestions, email ***** ::----- ReadMe.txt -----:: Grow your own mushrooms! Click on the log to change the variety of mushroom. The white mushrooms contain arnica, which helps fight against glycotoxin poisoning. The green mushrooms make grendels drowsy, but contain a powerful antihistamine for norns. Norns are likewise allergic (though not severely) to the red mushrooms, which boost a grendel's immune system. Finally, yellow mushrooms are packed full of vitamins for everyone, but relieve boredom only in ettins. Made by freylaverse! For feedback, bug reports, or suggestions, email *****