Creatures History Update

Creatures History Update thumbnail image
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Original File
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Zzzzoot
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File Size: 4 KB

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This updates the Creature History agent to show more events in creatures' lives.

Text File Composite

::----- readme.txt -----::
Creature History Update

By Zzzzoot

What is this?
This updates the Creature History agent. Don't worry if you don't know what that is, most people don't. It's the big blue box that pops up when you name your creature, that photos of them, ect.

Installation (for new worlds)
1. Copy "ZZZcreature history.cos" to "\Docking Station\Bootstrap\010 Docking Station"
2. WARNING This will install in ALL new worlds. If you want to make a new world without the Creature History Update simply follow the "Uninstallation (for old worlds)" instructions
3. Enjoy :)

Installation (for old worlds)
1. Copy "ZZZcreature history.cos" to "\Docking Station\Bootstrap\010 Docking Station"
2. In the world you want to install it in press Shift + CTRL + C, type:
ject "ZZZcreature history.cos" 7
3. Press enter then press Shift + CTRL + C again

3. Enjoy :)

Contact me (Zzzzoot) at *****

Uninstallation (for new worlds)
1. Remove the file "ZZZcreature history.cos" from "\Docking Station\Bootstrap\010 Docking Station"

Uninstallation (for old worlds)
1. Remove the file "ZZZcreature history.cos" from "\Docking Station\Bootstrap\010 Docking Station"
2. To remove from an old world in the world you want to install it in press Shift + CTRL + C, type:
ject "DS creature history" 7
3. Press enter then press Shift + CTRL + C again

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