Speech Bubbles Upgrade v1.2

Speech Bubbles Upgrade v1.2 thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File amk_Speech_Bubbles_Upgrade_1.2.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Amaikokonut
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Speech_Bubbles_Upgrade
File Size: 1.92 MB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


This script makes handling norns with really long names a little easier. First, it allows directing spoken commands at the selected norn by prefacing it with 'hey' (IE 'hey eat food' will turn into "Mister Fluffy-Bottom-Cute-Pants eat food" or whatever the selected norn's name is). Secondly, this script expands the size of speech bubbles for creatures with longer names so their speech is less likely to get cut off. We all know how vitally important it is to be able to read the whole message when Mister Fluffy-Bottom-Cute-Pants dislikes Mister Frizzy-Headed-Fluff-Tail. Again. Version 1.2 adds a new feature for developers-- the agent doing the speaking is now stored in ov00 of the speech bubble, so if you have an agent that reads speech bubbles, you can more easily act on the specific agent doing the speaking. It also adds the ability to change several aspects of the speech bubbles via game variables, including the sprite, font, and camera-shyness.

Text File Composite

::----- about the spritesheet.txt -----::
If you have a tool to unpack spritesheets, you can edit spritesheet.png and then unpack it again using the spritemap in sprites.json before converting it back to .c16.
https://github.com/Bazai/leshy_labs_spritesheet_cropper is a nice simple one if you are comfy with node! 
See this video for an example of spritesheet work:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLz0cjO8Pd8

Otherwise, you can just edit the sprites the old fashioned way.

::----- README.txt -----::
Speech Bubbles Upgrade v1.2
by Amaikokonut || https://naturingnurturing.blogspot.com

Originally submitted for CCSF '21

May be found at Naturing :: Nurturing (https://naturingnurturing.blogspot.com) and/or Naturing :: Nurturing :: Static (https://naturingnurturing.songua.com) and/or a friendly community archive near you!

If you have any comments, questions, bug reports, or just want to chat, email *****@songua.com

:: Installation ::

PLEASE READ. This installation is a little complicated.

- Place the contents of the Images folder into your /Images folder

- Place the "022 Speech Bubbles" folder from the Bootstrap folder into your /Bootstrap folder. (Not in 010 Docking Station, but next to it)

- If you wish, edit the contents of "/Bootstrap/022 Speech Bubbles/zzzz_speech_bubble_autoload--EDIT ME!" if you want certain speech bubble styles to load on default without having to set them by hand in every new world. If you do not edit this, the default will be the usual black-on-while speech bubble.

:: About ::

This script makes handling norns with really long names a little easier. First, it allows directing spoken commands at the selected norn by prefacing it with 'hey' (IE 'hey eat food' will turn into "Mister Fluffy-Bottom-Cute-Pants eat food" or whatever the selected norn's name is). Secondly, this script expands the size of speech bubbles for creatures with longer names so their speech is less likely to get cut off. We all know how vitally important it is to be able to read the whole message when Mister Fluffy-Bottom-Cute-Pants dislikes Mister Frizzy-Headed-Fluff-Tail. Again.

Version 1.2 adds a new feature for developers-- the agent doing the speaking is now stored in ov00 of the speech bubble, so if you have an agent that reads speech bubbles, you can more easily act on the specific agent doing the speaking.

It also adds the ability to change several aspects of the speech bubbles via game variables, including the sprite, font, and camera-shyness.

:: Usage ::

If you have Magic Words Core installed, you can use several Magic Words commands to customize speech bubble styles:

note that while "reset" is not a listed style, you can use it to clear any custom style you have applied so that the global style is used instead.

- "bubble [style]" (ie: "bubble fairy") will change the bubble style of the currently selected creature.

- "bubble [style] hand" will set the bubble style for the hand.

- "bubble [style] hots" will apply the style to the agent or creature the hand is touching. 

- "bubble [style] global" will set the global style for all speech bubbles. Note that global styles will always be overridden by styles already set specifically on individual creatures/agents. You can use "bubble reset global" to reset all bubbles on creatures and the hand back to the global style-- however, this will not reset other agent speech bubbles to the global style-- you would have to reset those individually with "bubble reset hots."

Other Images
