Akatora Norns Extra ATTs.zip

Akatora Norns Extra ATTs.zip thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Akatora Norns Extra ATTs.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Trix
Wiki Link Search "Akatora Norns Extra ATTs" on creatures.wiki
File Size: 26 KB

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Akatora Norns Extra ATTs by Trix for Creatures 3, contains ATT and sprite files

Text File Composite

::----- AkatoraHelp.txt -----::
If you downloaded this chances are that you've encountered one of the following problems of the akatora:

1) Your male akatora look weird. 
This happens because there somehow exist att on that slot already. the way to solve this is also explained on the FAQ page of the site, but you can also install the att files in this download in your 'Body Data folder'.

2) You cannot start up a new world
This problem only occurs when you've put the akatora eggagent in your world without hatching any before creating a new world. this happens because the akatora come first on muco (for some of you anyway) and DS/C3 starts looking for the egglayer image. Since it hasn't been extracted yet it won't find it which it gets confused about. Thus the error. To fix this either hatch an akatora in an existing world, or install the files akatoraF.c16 and akatoraM.c16 into your 'images' folder


Other Images

C16 Preview - akatoraM[0]
C16 Preview - akatoraM[0]
C16 Preview - akatoraF[0]
C16 Preview - akatoraF[0]