Edynn_openc2e by Chani for Docking Station, metaroom, medicine and toy agents and 2 baby norn exports
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Edynn_openc2e by Chani for Docking Station, metaroom, medicine and toy agents and 2 baby norn exports
::----- Readme.txt -----:: ## FIXME: This file is out-dated, no? ## Indeed, it is. perhaps I'll put something useful in here someday... Edynn - Build #7 Linux Installation: unzip the .tar.bz2 file (tar -jxvf edynn-current.tar.bz2) cd to the created folder. (cd edynn-current) run edynn_install (./edynn-install) delete the folder (cd ..; rm -rf edynn-current) Windows Installation: well, you've probably already installed this using the windows installer. Have Fun! :) ::----- agentlist.txt -----:: 55100-55199 -- 10/9/2002 --------------------------- 1 1 55100 -- bridge 1 1 55101 -- agentroom delay 1 1 55102 -- hotkeys ? 1 1 55103 -- Bob the Photo Dude ? 1 1 55104 -- Bob's camera ? 1 1 55105 -- Edynn teleport bubbles, etc 1 1 55106 -- Edynn keyboard handler 1 1 55107 -- Vendor Vendor * 1 1 55108 -- Edynn- scenery 1 1 55109 -- Edynn- ca emitters 1 1 55110 -- Edynn- vine plant 1 1 55111 -- Edynn- hist eraser 1 1 55112 -- Edynn birth/death photographer 1 1 55113 -- locust swarm 1 2 55100 -- Edynn GUI- clock 1 2 55101 -- Edynn GUI- hud 1 2 55102 -- Edynn GUI- head test 1 2 55103 -- Edynn GUI- inventories 1 2 55104 -- Edynn GUI- most icons 1 2 55105 -- Edynn GUI- message maker 1 2 55106 -- Edynn GUI- simple messages 1 2 55107 -- Edynn GUI- agent help 1 2 55108 -- Edynn GUI- owner's kit popup 1 2 55109 -- Edynn GUI- volume controls 1 2 55110 -- Edynn GUI- maxnorn controls 1 2 55111 -- Edynn GUI- **** empty **** 1 2 55112 -- Edynn GUI- creature view 1 3 55100 -- Edynn fav. places 1 3 55101 -- Edynn fav. place monitor 1 3 55102 -- Edynn GUI- alert monitor 1 3 55103 -- Edynn alert markers 1 3 55104 -- Edynn GUI- kit monitor 1 3 55105 -- Edynn GUI- autosave 1 4 55100 -- Edynn GUI- Owner's Kit <...truncated>
This is a room where the C3 creator would be. It only works in undocked worlds!
Cures antigens 0 and 1.
Cures antigens 2 and 3.
Cures antigens 4 and 5.
Cures antigens 6 and 7.
A potion to get rid of those nasty histamines.
Cure for carbon monoxide poisoning.
Cure for glycotoxin poisoning.
Blue C1-style bouncy balls - Freya's blue c2 balls were one of my favourite c2 cobs...
C1-style bouncy balls.
C1-style bouncy balls - with a random tint!
Cures heavy metal poisoning.
Medicine 1 cures ATP Decoupler, but it's not likely to work fast enough...
Helps norns to heal after an injury.
Sodium Thiosulphate - Cure for cyanide poisoning.
Vitamin E keeps the reproductive organs healthy. and Vitamin C keeps bones healthy and helps with healing.
Breed Slot - Norn: 'd' --Complete-- - MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old] - FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old] Breed Slot - Norn: 'a' --PARTIAL-- - MALE: [Child]
Name: amy Genus: Norn Gender: Female ------------------------------ Name: ant Genus: Norn Gender: Male