Fact | Value |
Original File | PCZCOB.exe |
Game |
Wiki Link | https://creatures.wiki/PC_Zone_Cobs |
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File Size: 124 KB
Text File Composite
::----- PCZONE.txt -----:: PC-Zone COB Pack Copyright CyberLife Technology Ltd 1998 Welcome to the PC-Zone COB Pack, an eclectic collection of new objects for Creatures 2. The new objects can be injected or removed using the Agent Injector (check out the Creatures 2 website for the latest updates www.creatures2.com). Tomato Machine - creates tomatoes which can be eaten or left to seed Chocolate Machine - Hmmm, chocolate Love Potion - a fiery drink to stir even the most passionless creature into action Hip Flask - for those long evenings in front of the fire, a wee dram of fire water Norn Doll - a soft toy for your creatures Garden Gnome - a lump of plastic to scare the fish and neighbours Picture - a work of art for the more discerning viewer
Agent Contents
Picture & Frame
A picture of the PC Zone logo complete with a stylish frame.
Chocolate Machine
A portable chocolate vending machine.
Garden Gnome
This gnome sits by the pool next to the incubator.
Hip Flask
This flask contains an ancient Albian brew which will put a smile on your Norn's face.
Love Potion
This potion increases a norn's sex drive and will make even the most stubborn norns willing.
Norn Doll
This little norn doll will help settle unhappy norns.
Tomato Machine
A portable tomato vending machine.
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