C2toDS Boney Grendels

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Original File dsboney.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • CosmicSynthetics
  • Jesseth
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A complete redo of a C3/DS version of the boney grendels from creatures 2, starting from the original c2 sprites and scaling/adjusting/etc to fit them to mostly standard body data and completely compatible sprite sizes, counts, poses and ages. Adds missing front and back facing poses for c3, allowing them to finally sit, lie down and generally just express while facing the camera

Text File Composite

::----- GrendelC_C2toDSBoneyGrendels-GeneticsNotes-CS.txt -----::
BASE GENOME: Beefcake Grendel Genome (gren-beefcake.gen)

DESIGN PROMPT: Official C2 Boney Grendel Description

"Creatures 2 Boney Grendel
These new Grendels have a brand new Genome developed by Lis Morris, a Creatures Community member. They use a protoype Grendel sprite and feature the following:

Greater intelligence
Immunity to heavy metal poisoning: Grendels spend a lot of their time in the volcano, where the high radioactivity gives them heavy metal poisoning. This is why your grendels so often have a cross next to their 'bones' organ
A whole new personality: more aggressive, but also liable to become very afraid and run away when slapped. Basically, a typical bully, and a coward at heart
A new 'dancing' gait
Easily made breedable
Longer live span: These Grendels would live for five hours, given no mishaps. Normal Grendels only live for two and a half"

- Enhanced instincts regarding foraging for the correct foods.
	- Change gene "003 Eat seeds when H4C - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR CARB" from -.75 to -.79.
	- Change gene "004 Eat food when H4F - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR FAT" from -.75 to -.79.		- 
	- Change gene "006 Eat fruit when H4P - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR PROTEIN" from -.75 to -.79.
	- Change gene "032 Eat seeds when H4F - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR FAT" from -.75 to -.71.
	- Change gene "033 Eat food when H4P - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR FAT" from -.75 to -.71.		
	- Change gene "034 Eat fruit when H4C - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR CARB" from -.75 to -.71

- Additional heat resistance through efficient sweating.
	- Change gene "053 Cooling (sweating) - Reaction (Biochemistry: Chemical Reaction)".
		- Change "2 Water + 4 Hotness" to "1 Water + 4 Hotness".
		- Increase reaction rate from 48 (Halflife of 5.8 seconds) to 43 (Halflife of 3.5 seconds).

- Immunity to heavy metal poisoning
	- All "Biochemistry: Chemical Receptor (Heavy Metals)" genes have been set to "Do not express (carry)".

- "Cranky Demeanor"
	- Change gene "001 Half lives - Half-lives (Biochemistry: Chemical Half-Life)".
		- Increase chemical half-life for "Anger" from 16 (Halflife of 243.5 milliseconds) to 20 (Halflife of 361.7 milliseconds).

::----- GrendelC_C2toDSBoneyGrendels-Readme-Jess.txt -----::
Compatible boney grendels!

Original sprites extracted from creatures 2
New/altered sprites by Jesseth
compiling, body data adjustments + genetics by Cosmisynth

A complete redo of a c3/ds version of the boney grendels from creatures 2, starting from the original c2 sprites and scaling/adjusting/etc to fit them to mostly standard body data and completely compatible sprite sizes, counts, poses and ages.

Compatible boney grendels come with all the missing front and back facing poses for c3, allowing them to finally sit, lie down and generally just express while facing the camera. They also have some expressions adjusted slightly to not reuse the same graphics as one another so you can tell what they’re feeling easier. 

To help improve compatibility with other breeds they now have all their life stages from baby to old age, and their body data has been mostly standardised to grendel parts, with a few heavily tested tweaks to help their heads fit onto other breeds well, and to make other breeds’ arms and tails work on their body.

CS/Cosmisynth also made a detailed custom genome based on the beefcake grendel genome by snapdragon, that adds in many of the boney grendel features from c2, such as specific fear or anger responses.

You can find detailed info on the edits in GrendelC_C2toDSBoneyGrendels-GeneticsNotes-CS.txt

::----- gren.C2toDS_boney.notes.txt -----::
BASE GENOME: Beefcake Grendel Genome (gren-beefcake.gen)

DESIGN PROMPT: Official C2 Boney Grendel Description

"Creatures 2 Boney Grendel
These new Grendels have a brand new Genome developed by Lis Morris, a Creatures Community member. They use a protoype Grendel sprite and feature the following:

Greater intelligence
Immunity to heavy metal poisoning: Grendels spend a lot of their time in the volcano, where the high radioactivity gives them heavy metal poisoning. This is why your grendels so often have a cross next to their 'bones' organ
A whole new personality: more aggressive, but also liable to become very afraid and run away when slapped. Basically, a typical bully, and a coward at heart
A new 'dancing' gait
Easily made breedable
Longer live span: These Grendels would live for five hours, given no mishaps. Normal Grendels only live for two and a half"

- Enhanced instincts regarding foraging for the correct foods.
	- Change gene "003 Eat seeds when H4C - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR CARB" from -.75 to -.79.
	- Change gene "004 Eat food when H4F - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR FAT" from -.75 to -.79.		- 
	- Change gene "006 Eat fruit when H4P - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR PROTEIN" from -.75 to -.79.
	- Change gene "032 Eat seeds when H4F - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR FAT" from -.75 to -.71.
	- Change gene "033 Eat food when H4P - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR FAT" from -.75 to -.71.		
	- Change gene "034 Eat fruit when H4C - Instinct (Creature: Instinct)"
		- Change "HUNGER FOR CARB" from -.75 to -.71

- Additional heat resistance through efficient sweating.
	- Change gene "053 Cooling (sweating) - Reaction (Biochemistry: Chemical Reaction)".
		- Change "2 Water + 4 Hotness" to "1 Water + 4 Hotness".
		- Increase reaction rate from 48 (Halflife of 5.8 seconds) to 43 (Halflife of 3.5 seconds).

- Immunity to heavy metal poisoning
	- All "Biochemistry: Chemical Receptor (Heavy Metals)" genes have been set to "Do not express (carry)".

- "Cranky Demeanor"
	- Change gene "001 Half lives - Half-lives (Biochemistry: Chemical Half-Life)".
		- Increase chemical half-life for "Anger" from 16 (Halflife of 243.5 milliseconds) to 20 (Halflife of 361.7 milliseconds).

Agent Contents

C2 to DS Boney Grendel - Egg Agent

C2 to DS Boney Grendel - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Grendel: 'c'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Other Images

C2toDS Boney Grendels - C3GC - Breed Preview
C2toDS Boney Grendels - C3GC - Breed Preview