Cat Critter

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Original File Cat
  • Creatures 1
  • Daniel Smallman
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This COB injects a new animal into Albia, the Cat. These animals are almost alive, and they need to be fed, or they will die. In the meantime, cats play with Albian toys and with the fish in the fishbowl. They do many other actions, like sitting down, purring, sleeping, etc.

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Text File Composite

::----- Cat Readme.txt -----::
Cat COB for Creatures

This COB injects a new animal into Albia, the Cat. These animals are almost alive, and
they need to be fed, or they will die. In the meantime, cats play with Albia toys and
with the fish in the fishbowl. They do many other actions, like sitting down, purring,
sleeping, etc. They are, in other words, a Tamagotchii in COB format.

You will first get an egg, which will appear in your hand. After a few seconds, the cat
will hatch, and from then onwards you'll have to look after it.

* How to know if your cat is hungry

You can tell if your cat is hungry when he looks at you and gives you a pitiful miaw
from time to time. If you don't feed him, after some time he'll die, so take care of
him! Cats only eat catfood, so you'll have to install the Cat Bowl COB too. The Cat Bowl
COB doesn't bring a Remover, to eliminate a bowl just click on it and it will disappear.

* Problem: My cat doesn't react when I click on him!

I encountered this problem when mending errors, and I've added a measure to solve it.
Whenever you get this error, simply pick up the cat, and the problem will be eliminated.

* These are all the object numbers used by this COB:

				Object numbers		Class
				--------------		-----
	Cat egg: 	    	    2 5 28	       33889280
	Cat:   	    		    2 10 106	       34236928
	Cat Bowl:	    	    2 6 89	       33970432

- Instalation:

	* cate.spr, cbwl.spr & cegg.spr
	  Put these into the creatures \Images subdirectory
	* Cat.COB, Cat remover.COB, Cat.RCB & Cat Bowl.COB
	  Put these into the Creatures main directory

	* pur1.wav, pur2.wav, miaw.wav & miao.wav

Agent Contents

Cat Bowl


Cat V.1.0



Other Images

Agent Preview - Cat V.1.0
Agent Preview - Cat V.1.0