See also Needleleaf Carrots and Simple Food Patches for Chione.
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See also Needleleaf Carrots and Simple Food Patches for Chione.
::----- Chione V1.2 Readme.txt -----:: CHIONE V1.2 of Mea, Liam, and Grendel Man Chione is a huge, icy metaroom that has been in the works for a long time now (read: over a year, as of this writing). The project had its start at Creatures Caves, where a member named Sam999 posted a topic about the lack of non-Christmas-themed Arctic metarooms and proposed that a new one be made. Surprisingly enough, the topic attracted interest from a lot of other members, notably Mea and Silvak. Silvak lended the name "Chione" from one of his older projects to the metaroom and helped conceptualize the place, and Mea turned the place into a working metaroom background. It then turned into an actual metaroom with help from Liam, and was released initially on the final day of the CCSF 2012. A couple days after Chione's release, Liam announced that he wasn't going to be able to do anything for Creatures for a long time, and so I decided to lend my coding skills to the metaroom. The result is this version. It's more creature-friendly now that they have a way of navigating the caves and that there are no more places to be stuck. It still lacks native lifeforms, but that will be remedied sometime in the future. The metaroom isn't quite as fertile as it was at release; particularly for plants that require heat to grow. You'll probably need to wait a while after injection for the weather and water droplets to seed the room with nutrients before growing anything that requires the CA. Changes from V1: *The metaroom no longer conflicts with the Biodome, meaning that the two metarooms can now be injected into the same world. No word on whether or not Chione will conflict with anything else, however. *A few mapping changes have been made: the rightmost cavern and area beneath the tunnel in the pond (henceforth referred to as a "lake") no longer have walls where baby creatures can get stuck, a room that was still classified as "air" in the lake has been changed to "fresh water," and the tunnel through the lake is now classified as "indoor corridor" rather than "outdoor concrete." *CA system has been revamped considerably - while light and heat are still fixed in the caverns, light is variable and heat is nonexistent on the surface. *Water droplets now are responsible for adding water and nutrients to the caverns. *A weather system has been added to seed the surface with water and nutrients - while most clouds are small, there are larger clouds that snow, and there's the rare blizzard every now and then. *Doors (Gateway) and elevators (Pillars of Teleportation) have been added to the room, increasing navigability. *The metaroom now works with all game combinations: C3 standalone, DS standalone, and DS docked. Changes from V1.1 (Slight update): *The ice over the frozen lake is now "air" instead of "drained soil." In addition, the flat area right before the surface cave is now "drained soil" instead of "air." Changes from V1.11 (Slight update): *The Pillars of Transportation have been changed slightly to help prevent Eat Elevator Syndrome. Changes from V1.11: *New Cave Entrances replace the Pillars of Transportation between the upper right cave and the cave system below it and add a new entrance between the leftmost cave and the surface above it. They function the same as the Pillars, but are classified as "door" as the CA links in those areas make creatures want to use a door instead of an elevator. *The remaining pillars of teleportation have been rearranged slightly. Installation: Put the .agents file into your "Creatures 3/My Agents" or "Docking Station/My Agents" folder, and you should be able to inject Chione with the Creator (C3) or the Agent Injector (DS). IF UPGRADING FROM CHIONE 1.11: Put "chione_transportation.c16" into your "Creatures 3/Images" folder or "Docking Station/Images" folder, and put "Chione.catalogue" into your "Creatures 3/Catalogue" or "Docking Station/Catalogue" folder. IF YOU DON'T DO THIS, YOU MAY EXPERIENCE ERRORS. Given how many people worked on this project, I'm not sure what the hosting policy on it is. For now, however, I would prefer it if no one else hosted this except people who were affliated with the project (see full credits list below) unless their sites go down and you cannot contact them. Full Credits: Sam999, Silvak: Concept Mea: Graphics Liam: Mapping + Coding (V1) Grendel Man: Mapping + Coding (V1.1 and onwards) Questions? Comments? E-mail: <...truncated>
Chione is a gigantic, wintery area for your cold-loving creatures to call home. Created by Mea, Liam, and Grendel Man, based off concepts by Sam999 and Silvak.
Chione is a vast expanse of snow and caves of unknown origins. Your cold-loving creatures will be right at home here! Created by Mea, Liam, and Grendel Man. Original concepts by Sam999 and Silvak.