This agent, when injected, will prevent the second NornGarden's nastiest plants from appearing in your world.
Created by AquaShee.
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Original File | Safe Norngarden |
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This agent, when injected, will prevent the second NornGarden's nastiest plants from appearing in your world.
Created by AquaShee.
::----- SafeNG2 ReadMe.txt -----:: Safe NornGarden2 ---------------- This agent will constantly remove all Trasher plants and Gotchathorns from your world, even if you try to plant them on purpose. Now you can let Wombo plant random seeds without having to worry about planting anything nasty. When you remove this agent, Trasher plants and Gothchathorns are free to grow once more. You'll need NG2 (obviously) for this agent to have any effect at all.
Removes all Trashers and Gotchathorns from your world until this agent is removed.
Removes all Trashers and Gotchathorns from your world until this agent is removed.