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  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Torrent Silverpelt
  • Anduin
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BloodGrendels by Torrent Silverpelt and Anduin for Docking Station, contains a new sprite breed, vendor and food agents and 2 baby grendel exports

Text File Composite

::----- README.txt -----::
Blood Grendels

Graphics By Torrent Silverpelt
Genetics by Anduin
Modded CAOS and Vender by Torrent Silverpelt

Agent Contents

Iron Ore Rock

This rock is really a cleverly disguised vender! Iron is important for Blood Grendels, and these nuggets provide it for them along with trace other chmicals. Safe for most norns.


Iron Ore Vender

This rock is really a cleverly disguised vender! Iron is important for Blood Grendels, and these nuggets provide it for them along with trace other chmicals. Safe for most norns.


Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Grendel: 'k'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Creature Contents

Name: Globin
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Male


Name: Hema
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Female

Breed Images

Breed C3GK preview
Breed C3GK preview
Breed C3GK preview
Breed C3GK preview
739f - Breed C3GK.png
739f - Breed C3GK.png

Other Images

Agent Preview - Iron Ore Vender
Agent Preview - Iron Ore Vender
Agent Preview - Iron Ore Rock
Agent Preview - Iron Ore Rock
Creature - Globin
Creature - Globin
Creature - Hema
Creature - Hema
Breed C3GK preview
Breed C3GK preview