Swimming Agent V3

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Original File 1714-swimming-agent-v3.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Risen Angel
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Made for the CCSF 2016 by Grendel Man! The description is as follows: Grendel_Manwrote:The latest and hopefully final improvement to my Swimming Agent. Swimming creatures should now move more naturally than before, and without randomly jumping up a level (or out of the metaroom). The downside is that they may take a little longer to start swimming, but you can't win them all.

Text File Composite

::----- Swimming Agent V3 Readme.txt -----::
SWIMMING AGENT V3 of Grendel Man

As its name suggests, this agent will let any creature injected with chemical 63 swim when underwater. It's useful for letting creatures get the most out of underwater metarooms like Aquatilis Caverna or Artemia Sea. 

This agent has had quite the history. V1 was basically nothing more than an altered aquanorn swimmeragent, but it became pretty widely used all the same. It got the job done, but I always thought it wasn't quite as good as it could be (for one, creatures using it couldn't retreat from each other). 

Years later, after I became much more knowledgeable about CAOs, I decided to give the agent a do-over with mostly completely new code. The end result was a swimming agent that completely outdid its older version. Suffice to say, I was really proud of it.

Come to the present day, and I decided I could improve it even more. While this new version is still largely based on V2, there's been more of an overhaul to make creatures swim even better than before. 

Changes from V2: 
*Occasionally, creatures using prior versions would teleport up a level when they started swimming. This has been fixed.
*Handling of room detection and sleeping should be improved.
*Swimming in general should be less jerky and more fluid than prior versions. 

Changes from V1: 
*Creatures can now retreat from each other!
*Creatures who start swimming rarely jump up from the bottom first - in fact, it's sometimes difficult to tell they've started swimming until their movement pattern changes.
*Creatures should be able to interact with objects more easily when swimming. 
*Grendels using this swimming agent in C3 shouldn't "lock up" in weird positions.
*You can now use the inventory to carry creatures around without it disappearing on you when this agent is installed. 

Bugs that still exist:
*Occasionally, you'll have creatures that swim backwards/swim while facing the camera. This is due to the method I used, which reads the creature's mind. If you see a creature swim backwards when it otherwise shouldn't, it's likely because the creature wants to retreat from something. 
*Creatures might have trouble interacting with agents with big bounding boxes (like the bursting plants in Aquatilis Caverna). 
*For all the work I put in to make it a non-issue, swimming creatures are still likely to have trouble interacting with objects. Unfortunately, this is a problem that plagues all vehicles in Creatures 3 and Docking Station, and is likely an engine bug (since creatures were not meant to spend most of their lives in vehicles).

Installation: Put the .agents file into your "Creatures 3/My Agents" or "Docking Station/My Agents" folder, and you should be able to inject the Swimming Agent V3 via the Creator (C3) or Agent Injector (DS). 
Note that this agent comes with a remover for V1. If you have a world with V1 installed, use that remover to get rid of it before injecting V3. In addition to getting rid of the old swimming agent (which might conflict with the new one since both of them use the same chemical), it will also restore the creature movement scripts altered by V1 to their default state (which means that you should be able to use the inventory to carry creatures around again without it vanishing). 

I would prefer it if you did not host this agent on your own site unless the Realm goes down and you cannot contact me. 

Questions? Comments? E-mail *****@hotmail.com.

Agent Contents

Swimming Agent V1 Remover

Removes V1 of the Swimming Agent from your world should it be installed. Don't use this for V3; that can be removed like any other agent.

Swimming Agent V3

This will let certain creatures swim when they're underwater. Make sure to remove V1 with the Remover before injecting this agent!

Other Images

Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V1 Remover (C3)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V1 Remover (C3)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V3 (DS)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V3 (DS)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V1 Remover (DS)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V1 Remover (DS)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V3 (C3)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V3 (C3)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V1 Remover (DS)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V1 Remover (DS)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V3 (DS)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V3 (DS)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V1 Remover (C3)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V1 Remover (C3)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V3 (C3)
Agent Preview - Swimming Agent V3 (C3)