Dól Norn

Dól Norn thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Dólnorns-Dolnorns.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Erling
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/D%C3%B3l_Norn
File Size: 3.32 MB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


The Dól Norns use a head sprite based on one by DarkBurraki, and include edited sprites from Creatures 3 and Creatures Village.

Four genetic variants are included:

  • One based on the Chichi genome.
  • One based on the Fimbul Norn genome.
  • One based on the Battlenorn genome.
  • One based on the Hunternorn genome.

Text File Composite

::----- Dól norn information.txt -----::
Dól norns v1.0

Ettin slot W.

This norn breed is based on the 'bald' norn template, made by DarkBurraki. Besides that, they use edited sprites from Creatures 3, and from Creatures Village.

They come in four different versions: 

The 'normal' version: Uses the ChiChi genome. 
Dól Fimbul norns: Uses the Fimbul genome.
Dól Battlenorns: Uses the Battlenorn genome.
Dól Hunternorns: Uses the Hunternorn genome.

Just copy all the folders, included in this file, and paste them into your Creatures 3/Docking Station folder. When asked to overwrite, chose "yes". This will not overwrite any of your current files, unless you have another breed installed in ettin slot W.


Contact/website information:



DarkBurraki - 'Bald' norn template.
Marcus Kurzbach *****@web.de) - Fimbul genome. 
KnyteTrypper - Hunternorn genome.
Grendel Man - Battlenorn genome.

Agent Contents

Dól Battlenorns - Egg Agent

Dól Fimbul Norns - Egg Agent

Dól Hunter Norns - Egg Agent

Dól Norns - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Ettin: 'w'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Images

Breed C3EW preview
Breed C3EW preview
Breed C3EW preview
Breed C3EW preview
6d56 - Breed C3EW
6d56 - Breed C3EW

Other Images

Breed C3EW preview
Breed C3EW preview