Chichi Headball

Chichi Headball thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Chichi
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Mark Ashton
Wiki Link
File Size: 51 KB

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A rather interesting toy in the shape of a ChiChi Norn's head! This headball bounces around like a regular ball, but has a bit of a dark side... The facial expressions change as it is picked up and bounced around. There are also sound effects that make this headball seem almost alive!

Mark Ashton originally wrote, "A simple toy - for Grendels, or Norns with a dark side. A homage to the first agent I ever made."

Should you or your Creatures ever have a really bad day and need to take it out on something that looks like a Norn but isn't actually alive, the headball is a great choice! Alternatively, a nice addition to a world where ChiChi Norns are absolutely despised. Just make sure not to try bouncing real Norn heads!

Text File Composite

::----- Headball-Readme.txt -----::
Headball Agent for C3/DS
Created by Mark Ashton

A rather interesting toy in the shape of a ChiChi Norn's head! This headball bounces around like a regular ball, but has a bit of a dark side... The facial expressions change as it is picked up and bounced around. There are also sound effects that make this headball seem almost alive!

Mark Ashton originally wrote, "A simple toy - for Grendels, or Norns with a dark side. A homage to the first agent I ever made."

Should you or your Creatures ever have a really bad day and need to take it out on something that looks like a Norn but isn't actually alive, the headball is a great choice! Alternatively, a nice addition to a world where ChiChi Norns are absolutely despised. Just make sure not to try bouncing real Norn heads!

Downloaded from Creatures Caves
Originally Available at the Grendel Overground (

To install: Place the .agents file in your My Agents folder.

Agent Contents


A grim toy to bring a smile to the face of even the most despondent of Grendels. Your Norns may like this toy too, but that is because everyone has a malicious streak. DJ_G


Other Images

Agent Preview - HeadBall
Agent Preview - HeadBall