Whatever Dispenser by Sparrow for Docking Station, agent
Whatever Dispenser by Sparrow for Docking Station, agent
::----- readme.txt -----:: Whatever Dispenser by Ben "Sparrow[Kap]" Wright June 10, 2002 Introduction: Ever want a dispenser for an object, but you couldn't find one and didn't want to bother with making one? Happened to me dozens of times. That's why I made this. It's basically a portable replicator that clones and spits out whatever it happens to have inside of it. Installation: 1. Unzip "WDisp.agents" to your "My Agents" folder within your Creatures 3 or Docking Station folder. 2. Fire up the game, go to the Creator Machine (C3) or the Comms Room (DS), find "Whatever Dispenser" in the list, and inject. 3. Stick a piece of cheese, a potion, or whatever you can fit into the dispenser and vend away! Description: This handy little tool enables one to make a dispenser for almost anything! Just place a sample of whatever you want to vend in the recepticle and press the button. It will also vend when it gets a signal on the input port. The output port will send a positive number if the vending was successful or a negative number if it wasn't. Known Issues: -It will only hold small objects. I don't really plan on fixing this.... -It's supposed to hold only one object, but you can put more in it. If you put more than one thing in it, all but the first one it encounters will be spat back out upon replication. Contact: Ben "Sparrow[Kap]" Wright E-mail: ***** I, Ben Wright, hereby forbid the sale of my e-mail address or the sending of unsolicited advertisements to said address.
This handy little tool enables one to make a dispenser for almost anything! Just place a sample of whatever you want to vend in the recepticle and press the button. It will also vend when it gets a signal on the input port. The output port will send a positive number if the vending was successful or a negative number if it wasn't.
This handy little tool enables one to make a dispenser for almost anything! Just place a sample of whatever you want to vend in the recepticle and press the button. It will also vend when it gets a signal on the input port. The output port will send a positive number if the vending was successful or a negative number if it wasn't.