C1-in-C2 Grendel

C1-in-C2 Grendel thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File C1inC2Grendel.zip
  • Creatures 2
  • RudeDog
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/C1-in-C2_Grendel
File Size: 338 KB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


A conversion of the Classic Grendel for Creatures 2.

Text File Composite

::----- C1_gren_in_C2.txt -----::
C1 grendel sprites for C2


Here are sprites for the C1 grendel in C2.

The files ending in .s16 go into the 'Creatures 2/Images' folder.
The files ending in .att go into the 'Creatures 2/Body Data' folder.

I have added scared faces and tired faces for the grendel


ps. I would like to thank all the people who made those wonderful utilities
 I use.  Creatures and all related stuff is (c) 1998 Cyberlife.

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Grendel: 'b'
	- MALE: [Child]
	- FEMALE: [Child]

Creature Contents

Name: <UnNamed>
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Female


Name: <UnNamed>
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Male

Breed Images

C1 Grendel - C2GB.png
C1 Grendel - C2GB.png