Nurse Bots v2.25

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  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Verm
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Released for the CCSF 2023, Verm's first project utilizing CRAG, the Nurse Bots are helpful little bots that want to care for creatures, with various functions helping them at their task.

I made a lot of mistakes in their original download, and later I wanted to add rotation and swap support, as well as more cloak designs, and thus version 2.25 was born.

Nurse Bots use a TWB genome but are heavily modified so that can likely live in even very cold/hot environments.

Text File Composite

::----- Readme.txt -----::
Nurse Bots
By Verm


Install guide:

1. Put the .wavs in the Sound folder

2. Put all .cos files in the Bootstrap/010 Docking Station or Bootstrap/010 Docking Station Patches folder. Sensorimotor and Peripheral Input is optional, but recommended

3. Put all .c16s in the Images folder

4. Put the Nurse Bot Dispenser in the Agents folder, as well as any of the optional agents.

5. If you were using a version made before 2.25, make sure to replace all your files with the new ones included. The updater will inject these scripts in old worlds and update the Nurse Bots who will cloned due to the changes of how their sprites work.

Check the catalogue file for some options. Note, if you don't have any geat voices installed, there's a small chance blue nurse bots won't work. You have been warned.

Nurse Bots are biomechanical beings likely left behind by the Shee. They're quite similiar to creatures on the capilata and ark, except very small, and gadget-like.

Nurse Bots are best raised with other creatures, but it is possible to raise many alone.

It's recommended that if you want to be able to edit their names or look at their creature history, to install the CRAG patch.

To hatch some, inject the Nurse Bot Dispenser! To read more, look at the care guide pdf provided.

2.25 adds rotation and swap that can mutate and be passed down to their children, as well as different cloak patterns and colors based on their variant. The Nurse Bot genomes have also been tweaked to be generally less likely to laser creatures and other Nurse Bots.

Nurse Bots use a modified TWB genome.

Also included with them are:

Nurse Doll

A doll shaped like a Nurse Bot. Nurse Bots view it as their own, but Ettins might take it home.

Egg Pillow

A fluffy pillow that's shaped and smells like an egg. Nurse Bots view it as home, but Grendels might take it home.

Agent Contents

Egg Pillow C3

A pillow that shaped and smell like an egg. Nurse Bots may find it comforting if there are no eggs around, and grendels may like it too.

Egg Pillow DS

A pillow that shaped and smell like an egg. Nurse Bots may find it comforting if there are no eggs around, and grendels may like it too.

Nurse Bot 2.25 Updater

Updater for Nurse Bots who were made before 2.25 was released. Clones existing non-updated Nurse Bots in the world and reinjects the scripts. Isn't needed in new worlds. Made by Verm

Nurse Bot Dispenser

A Dispenser that produces Nurse Bot eggs. Set it to auto to make any when the number of nursebots and eggs is less than the number of dispensers. Made by Verm

Nurse Bot Doll C3

A nifty gadget shaped like a Nurse Bot, and makes Nurse Bot sounds when played with. Nurse Bots will think it's one of them.

Nurse Bot Doll DS

A nifty gadget shaped like a Nurse Bot, and makes Nurse Bot sounds when played with. Nurse Bots will think it's one of them.

Nurse Bot Exporter C3

Putting a Nurse Bot into the glass container will export them, ready to travel to other worlds.


Nurse Bot Exporter DS

Putting a Nurse Bot into the glass container will export them, ready to travel to other worlds.


Nurse Doozy

A Nurse Bot Doll that seems to look quite familiar. It rescues Nurse Bots who've gotten very very lost, as well as teaching creature who play with it. Made by Verm

Other Images

Agent Preview - Nurse Bot Exporter C3
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot Exporter C3
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot Exporter DS
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot Exporter DS
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot 2.25 Updater
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot 2.25 Updater
Agent Preview - Egg Pillow C3
Agent Preview - Egg Pillow C3
Agent Preview - Egg Pillow DS
Agent Preview - Egg Pillow DS
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot Dispenser
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot Dispenser
Agent Preview - Nurse Doozy
Agent Preview - Nurse Doozy
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot Doll C3
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot Doll C3
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot 2.25 Updater
Agent Preview - Nurse Bot 2.25 Updater