SunlitMiracle's update to Emmental's Medical Monitors
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SunlitMiracle's update to Emmental's Medical Monitors
::----- README MM and NS Update.txt -----:: 0. Credits and Usage The original Norn Statistics and Medical Monitor were created by Emmental, whose original site has gone down but whose contributions to the community are still valued today. These updates were done out of gratitude for all the times their agents have helped me in my games, to the point where I can't play without them now. This edit was done by SunlitMiracle, and is free to be reuploaded elsewhere and altered further for both personal and public use. 1. Installation - Place the Norn Statistics Updated and Medical Monitor Updated files in your Docking Station/Agents folder. Removing the unedited versions is optional but recommended to avoid confusion. - OPTIONAL BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Download the Unofficial Chemicals Catalogues and Short Chem Names to ensure chemicals are written properly. Even if you don't use unofficial creatures with fan-created chemicals, this is recommended due to Chemical 90, Wounded, not being named in the game's catalogue files for some reason. Install in both the Docking Station/Catalogue and the Creatures 3/Catalogue folders. The monitors are still functional without this but several chemicals will show up as only numbers. - OPTIONAL: If you've previously used the unedited versions, overwrite the "norn stats 2.c16" file in your Docking Station/Images folder with the new version provided in this download. This only updates some button text, so there won't be an impact on functionality if you don't do this. If using a world that currently has the monitors, uninject and then reinject to update the scripts. 2. Features These updates are intended to better track the many ailments that can afflict a Creature, as well as accomodate more playstyles that use fan-made content such as True Warmbloods and Nornbinary. Changes to both agents: - Truncation of names over 16 characters so that they don't overlap the right-side text. - Changed (D) to Dead, placed it either in health problems (MM) or next to the Pregnancy label (NS) for better visibility. - Tracking of Grendels, Ettins, and Geats enabled by default. Changes to Medical Monitor: - Added Pregnancy check - Added checks for high values of Wounded, the three Hungers, Coldness, Hotness, Tryptamine, Body Heat (TWB only) - Added checks for low values of Glycogen, Oxygen, Water, ATP, Body Heat (TWB only), and Oxygenated Hemoglobin (TWB only) Changes to Norn Statistics: - Changed O/T/A button text to say WARN, due to the addition of another immortality check. - Dead label is now listed next to the Pregnant label - Added a check for Z, short for Zombie, to alert the player of any creatures who are alive but have ATP or Energy under 2 (which is far below most genomes' death threshold) - The Toxins check also now includes Grendels and will track Wounded, and will exclude dead creatures. - Re-enabled population tracking of creatures that are neither male nor female; changed descriptors to Nonbinary and X. Shortened species names due to high character counts causing cosmetic issues. - Added tracking of the Dead lifestage, here renamed Decrepit in order to avoid confusion with the general death status. 3. Known Issues - Both: Neither agent is fully compatible with Toxic breeds and will generate lots of false positives regarding toxins. - Both: If a creature is given a name with many wide characters, like WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, their name may still overlap other text even if truncated. <...truncated>
An alternate way of rewarding/punishing Creatures by pressing buttons. Offers different modes for either injecting chemicals directly, using the "hand said yes/no" stims, or using the "hand tickled/slapped" stims.
An alternate way of rewarding/punishing Creatures by pressing buttons. Offers different modes for either injecting chemicals directly, using the "hand said yes/no" stims, or using the "hand tickled/slapped" stims.
Original by Emmental Monitors the bacteria and toxin levels of all your Norns. See its Agent Help for more information.
Original by Emmental Shows various statistics about your Norns. See its Agent Help for more information.
Text entry GUI for changing pregnancy-related variables. Please see the included ReadMe .txt or the catalogue entry for more information.