Breath Unit.ZIP

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Original File Breath Unit.ZIP
  • Creatures 2
  • Ping
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File Size: 32 KB

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Stops Creatures from drowning

Text File Composite

::----- Readme.txt -----::
                  Breathing Unit

Yes, now your Norns too can possess the mystical Shee
Breathing Unit.  Locked away from the Norns when the Shee
left, fearing that Norns would be able to get into the sea
and find what a mess they left their labs in.


brun.wav goes in your Creatures 2 /Sounds/ directory

brun.s16 goes in your Creatures 2 /images/ directory

Breathing Unit.cob goes in your Creatures 2 /objects/ directory


Class 2 9 42 which means it is classed as an Impliment.


Operation: Got a Norn underwater? just drop the Breathing Unit next to your Norn
           and activate it (or get your Norn to)
           it *MUST* be near your Norn to work.


This cob was written and created by Ping, anyone who says otherwise is a filthy Naven.

Kredditz: All the Grendels I drown during testing
          Those nice people who saw fit to write
          BobCoB (
          Martha Brummet for posting the C2 Chemicals to AGC


Agent Contents

Breathing Unit

Stops Creatures from drowning