Evo Ship Jan 2022

Evo Ship Jan 2022 thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File EvoShipJan2022.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Liil
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Evo_Ship
File Size: 31.14 MB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


Evo Ship is a massive metaroom that does not contain any agents.

It features four distinct terrariums with their own climates, and has the requisite temperatures for TWB and TCB compatibility.

Place the evoship.agents in the folder "My Agents" in your Docking Station folder and inject it into game.

"Please mention me Liil/Skandarella if you upload the metaroom on your own Creatures website. If you have questions or feedback, send me a message on Creatures Caves to my account (Liil)."

Text File Composite

::----- readme.txt -----::
Evo Ship

Evo Ship is a massive metaroom that feaures 4 large terrariums for creatures of all different temperature needs. It does not contain any agents.

Place the evoship.agents in the folder "My Agents" in your Docking Station folder and inject it in game.

Please mention me Liil/Skandarella if you upload the metaroom on your own Creatures website.
If you have questions or feedback, send me a message on Creatures Caves to my account (Liil)

Agent Contents

Evo Ship

Evo Ship

A burger-like metaroom with huge space!

Other Images
