Pipe Organ

Pipe Organ thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Pipe Organ.zip
  • Creatures 2
  • Annette Hoo
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Pipe_Organ
File Size: 181 KB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


Pipe Organ by Annette Hoo for Creatures 2, contains sound files

Text File Composite

::----- Organ Readme.txt -----::
Pipe Organ cob By Annette Hoo
       ⇥      **********
(E-Mail: *****@pc.jaring.my)
(I use cob.numbers 29000 to 29300)
⇥      **********

This cob is intended to help your norns learn a new
instrument. Norns might like playing the organ better.
You may distribute this freely, but please have the 
courtesy to ask my permission and give me credit for it.
Always include this note when you do so.
This version should have no problems, unless for some 
reason, the images don't appear. If you don't know what
to do when that happens, see my FAQ.

1)cob. files go into the objects folder.
2)wav. files go into the sounds folder.
3)s16. files go into the images folder.

If your cob looks awful, please change the graphic to 
other one included here. My pc supports 555 graphics.
And the s16 file is the one with the 565 graphic.
Remember to rename the 555 file as orgn.s16 after you
put it into the images folder.
