Emmental DS Agents

Emmental DS Agents thumbnail image
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Original File EmmentalDSAgents.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Emmental
Wiki Link Search "Emmental DS Agents" on creatures.wiki
File Size: 870 KB


Emmental DS Agents by Emmental for Docking Station, metaroom, and teleporter, pest, fruit, food, seed, toy, vendor, medicine, critter and weed agents

Text File Composite

::----- readme.txt -----::
Bounty Bugs (1.1)

These little bugs are tasty and fun for creatures to eat, but if left
alone long enough they have a little surprise in store.

Thanks must go to Uttar of Creature Creations (www.creations2000.net)
for testing, finding a bug (the non-crawly type) and giving me some
code to fix it. :)

Version history
- The nest no longer falls through elevator shafts and upper level
- The agent can now be injected using the C3 creator machine without
  causing errors (or killing the machine if auto-kill is enabled).


::----- readme.txt -----::
C3 in DS: Aquarium (1.1)

After unzipping the agents into the "My Agents" folder and starting DS
you will have two more agents listed in your injector.

One is "Aquarium" and the other is "Aquarium (Remove)".  I hope
it's pretty obvious what these do :)

Before you inject anything just check the following list:
- Do not attempt to inject this into a standalone C3 world
- Do not attempt to inject this into a docked C3/DS world
- Do not attempt to inject this if C3 is not installed

Basically, this is for undocked DS worlds only, but you must have C3

The room takes a couple of seconds to inject and once it has you will
be taken to the new meta-room.  You will also notice a pair of
teleporters that link between the aquarium and the Docking Station.
These can be moved to anywhere you want.  The existing doorways and
Ettin accessways are no longer operational.

To remove the meta-room you actually inject the (Remove) agent.  Using
the injector's remove button on the installer agent will have no


::----- readme.txt -----::
C3 in DS: The Crypt (1.0)

After unzipping the agents into the "My Agents" folder and starting DS
you will have two more agents listed in your injector.

One is "The Crypt" and the other is "The Crypt (Remove)".  I hope
it's pretty obvious what these do :)

Before you inject anything just check the following list:
- Do not attempt to inject this into a standalone C3 world
- Do not attempt to inject this into a docked C3/DS world
- Do not attempt to inject this if C3 is not installed

Basically, this is for undocked DS worlds only, but you must have C3

Once the agent has injected you will be taken to the new meta-room.

There is no statue in the Norn Terrarium (if installed) but instead
a small headstone in the Norn Meso on the bottom level near the
Commedia pod.  A favourtite place icon is also created, but you may
have to use the headstone by clicking on it if you remove one of the
other C3-in-DS meta-rooms, as this will remove all the favourite place

Known problems
If the meta-room is injected into a new world or a world that has seen


::----- readme.txt -----::
C3 in DS: Ettin Desert (1.3)

After unzipping the agents into the "My Agents" folder and starting DS
you will have two more agents listed in your injector.

One is "Ettin Desert" and the other is "Ettin Desert (Remove)".  I hope
it's pretty obvious what these do :)

The c3indsettin.catalogue file is not needed unless you are upgrading
from a previous version (see Upgrading below).

Before you inject anything just check the following list:
- Do not attempt to inject this into a standalone C3 world
- Do not attempt to inject this into a docked C3/DS world
- Do not attempt to inject this if C3 is not installed

Basically, this is for undocked DS worlds only, but you must have C3

The room takes a couple of seconds to inject and once it has you will
be taken to the new meta-room.  You will also notice a pair of
teleporters that link between the desert and the Docking Station.
These can be moved to anywhere you want.  The existing doorways and
Ettin accessways are no longer operational.

To remove the meta-room you actually inject the (Remove) agent.  Using


::----- readme.txt -----::
C3 in DS: Grendel Jungle (1.1)

After unzipping the agents into the "My Agents" folder and starting DS
you will have two more agents listed in your injector.

One is "Grendel Jungle" and the other is "Grendel Jungle (Remove)".  I
hope it's pretty obvious what these do :)

Before you inject anything just check the following list:
- Do not attempt to inject this into a standalone C3 world
- Do not attempt to inject this into a docked C3/DS world
- Do not attempt to inject this if C3 is not installed

Basically, this is for undocked DS worlds only, but you must have C3

The room takes a couple of seconds to inject and once it has you will
be taken to the new meta-room.  You will also notice a pair of
teleporters that link between the jungle and the Docking Station.
These can be moved to anywhere you want.  The existing doorways and
Ettin accessways are no longer operational.

To remove the meta-room you actually inject the (Remove) agent.  Using
the injector's remove button on the installer agent will have no


::----- readme.txt -----::
C3 in DS: Norn Terrarium (1.0)

After unzipping the agents into the "My Agents" folder and starting DS
you will have two more agents listed in your injector.

One is "Norn Terrarium" and the other is "Norn Terrarium (Remove)".  I
hope it's pretty obvious what these do :)

Before you inject anything just check the following list:
- Do not attempt to inject this into a standalone C3 world
- Do not attempt to inject this into a docked C3/DS world
- Do not attempt to inject this if C3 is not installed

Basically, this is for undocked DS worlds only, but you must have C3

The room takes a couple of seconds to inject and once it has you will
be taken to the new meta-room.  You will also notice a pair of
teleporters that link between the terrarium and the Docking Station.
These can be moved to anywhere you want.  The existing doorways and
Ettin accessways are no longer operational.

To remove the meta-room you actually inject the (Remove) agent.  Using
the injector's remove button on the installer agent will have no


::----- readme.txt -----::
Camera Fixer (1.0)

Use this to keep your Docking Station cameras in place.

Clicking this camera will lock all your Docking Station cameras in
their current positions so that they cannot be moved by creatures or
the hand.  They will even be forced back to where you left them when
the world loads and they move.

When the Camera Fixer is red the cameras are locked.  When green the
cameras behave as normal.


::----- CBVendor.txt -----::
Calm Balm Vendor V2.5 DS/C3 -- CBVendor.txt - 8/28/2001

VERSION 1.0 CAOS & Sprites by MNB

Big thanks to Emmental for hosting this to!

To use this agent you must have injected the 
calm balm agent from the HardMan norn pack into your world!
Once injected inject the vendor.


Put all files into your Docking station or Creatures 3 Agent folder,
there should be a total of 1 agent files and 1 readme file. Start up 
DS or C3, go to your agent creator and you will find 1 new agent: 
-Calm balm Vendor (DS) or (C3) depending whar program you are using.

Warning: You must have the calm balm injected into your
creatures world for this to work!


    This vends the calmb alm potion from the CL HardMan norn pack.
You will no longer have to reinject the calm balm, just click the 
little blue button on the vendor and it will be vended.. much quicker,
then reinjecting it no? Remember if it it just vanishes on you, inject the
calm balm potion and then inject the vendor.. and then it should work.


MNB's Site> Creatures Main Frame: http://mainframe.chani3.com/ Coming Soon!
Emmentals Site> Emmental's Docking Station: http://creatures.webhop.net 


::----- RM_PackDS.txt -----::
Remover pack V1.0 for Docking Station -- RM_PackDS.txt - 7/26/2001


Big thanks to Emmental for hosting this to!

To use this agent you must have DS, Docked or un docked! The 
Aqua eco remover and Desert eco remover an be used on C3 also!


Put all files into your Docking station Agent folder,
there should be a total of 3 agent files. Start up Docking Station,
go to your agent creator and you will find 3 new agents: 
-Aqua Eco Remover
-Desert Eco Remover
-DS extra remover

Warning: Once this is injected you will lose your most of your 
eco system (see list below for more details).


    Aqua Eco Remover (This is for Emmentals C3 Aqua room in undocked DS, inject
this after you have injected the area, you can still bring these all back
by using the animal maker)

-Gumlin Grass
-Opal Sponge
-Orange Sponge
-Cuttle Fish
-Rainbow Sharkling
-Clown Fish
-Handel Fish
-Man-O-War eggs
-Orange sponge seeds

::----- readme.txt -----::
Dummy Control (1.2)

This control panel allows you to make the training dummy moveable by
the hand (you).

The top button (the grabbing hand) makes the dummy moveable and you
will see it jump as it is released.  The bottom button (the pointing
hand) teleports the dummy back to its original place in the Workshop
and fixes it down again.

The eyes of the dummy on the control panel will be green when the
dummy is moveable.

The control panel can be left in the world or injected as needed then
removed.  The dummy will remain moveable without the agent needing to be present.

Version history
- The remove script for the DS injector has been fixed.  I'd somehow
  managed to delete it during the last update.
- The control panel no longer falls through elevator shafts and upper
  level floors.
- It can now be injected using the C3 creator if you wish.
- Fixed the RSCR to remove the scripts, though the PRAY file was


::----- readme.txt -----::
Egg Layer Remover (1.0)

When injected, this agent removes the Ettin and Grendel egg layers
from the current world.

This is useful for people who would like to use the C3-in-DS meta-room
agents but do not want Ettins or Grendels in their world.

Please use this with care as they cannot be re-installed with this


::----- readme.txt -----::
Electronic Butler (1.1)

This electronic device monitors the speech of creatures anywhere in
the world.

Any complaining of hunger or boredom are served up with the appropriate 
food or a toy.  Food is created anew and toys are selected from what's
already in the world and moved near the creature.

The butler can be turned on and off by clicking it.

Note that this agent does "cheat" with CAOS by forcing the creature to
eat/play for 5 seconds.  If you don't like such agents then this
probably isn't for you. :)

General notes
This agent is by no means perfect.  Here are a few points to note:
- If more than one creature speaks simultaneously then the butler will
  not be able to service both of them.
- The butler has to keep control of creatures it is servicing for 5
  seconds.  It can cope with up to 5 at once.
- When food is created and toys are moved, the creature will not
  necessarily use the one created/moved if there are others about.
- The butler only understands English.
- DO NOT use the CAOS command line to remove the agent - always


::----- readme.txt -----::
Selective Force Field (1.1)

This force field can be configured to prevent certain types of
creatures from passing, based on race and life stage.

For example, it could be set up to only allow Norns older than Youth
to pass or prevent Ettins older than Child from passing.

Any creatures that try to pass, but are not allowed to, are pushed
back away from the forcefield (non-harmfully).

To turn the force field on and off click it with the hand anywhere on
the base or the pole.  The ball will light up green when active.

To configure the force field click on the ball at the top.

Version history
- The force field no longer falls through elevator shafts and upper
  level floors.
- The agent can now be injected using the C3 creator machine without
  causing errors (or killing the machine if auto-kill is enabled).
- The range has been increased when detecting Grendels (or all 
  creatures) as they could occasionally get past the force field due
  to their size.


::----- readme.txt -----::
Home Spray (1.2)

This spray releases clouds into the air that help homesick Norns feel better.

Concept & sprites: Sentinal
CAOS:              Emmental

Version history
- The agent can now be injected using the C3 creator machine without
  causing errors (or killing the machine if auto-kill is enabled).
- Fixed the .catalogue file not being extracted from the .agents file.
  This meant there would be no agent help available in the game.


::----- readme.txt -----::
Medical Monitor (1.4)

This agent adds a panel to the left of the screen that displays the
bacteria and toxin levels of all your creatures.

If any bacteria or toxins are found then a short alarm will sound and
the green cross on the edge of the tab will turn red.  Creatures are
checked about every 5 seconds but the alarm will not sound again until
all creatures have been healed.

The red light button can be used to turn off the monitor and the two
arrow buttons are used to scroll the window if there is more than one
page of text.  When the monitor is disabled the green/red cross will
turn grey.

If you are upgrading from version 1.2 or earlier then you should
manually copy the included "medical monitor.catalogue" file into your
"Catalogue" folder.  This updates the agent help within the game
as this file will not be automatically updated if it already exists.

If this is the first version you have used then you can ignore the
"medical monitor.catalogue" file.

Version history
- The pain chemical is now monitored, which is a useful indication of


::----- readme.txt -----::
Mystery Agent (1.0)

This agent...  No, that would spoil the fun :)

Sprites:        Sentinal
Concept & CAOS: Emmental


::----- readme.txt -----::
Noisy Maracas (1.1)

These maracas are fun for creatures to play with, but we all know how
irritating they can be, and other creatures feel the same way...

Version history
- Fixed an error occurring when putting the maracas in the inventory.
  This could also happen occasionally at other times.


Agent Contents

Bounty Bugs

The mysterious Bounty Bugs. Tasty and fun to eat, but with hidden surprises.


Calm Balm Vendor

This will place a nice calm balm vendor in your world! You must have the calm balm agent and have it injected once into your game though for this to work!


Calm Balm Vendor

This will place a nice calm balm vendor in your world! You must have the calm balm agent and have it injected once into your game though for this to work!


DS Extra Remover

<This will remove all the Extra stuff in DS making the game go a bit quicker!>

Dummy Control

Makes the training dummy moveable by the hand or returns it to its original position. See its Agent Help for more information.

Electronic Butler

This monitoring device feeds your creatures or moves toys near them if they complain.


Home Spray

A spray to make homesick Norns feel better.

Medical Monitor

Monitors the bacteria and toxin levels of all your Norns. See its Agent Help for more information.

Mystery Agent

What does this agent do? Who knows?


Noisy Maracas

A rather noisy musical instrument.


Norn of Infertility

Checks for possible immortal or fast-aging Norns and attempts to keep them infertile. See its Agent Help for more information.

Norn of Knowing

Checks for possible immortal or fast-aging Norns. See its Agent Help for more information.

Norn Statistics

Shows various statistics about your Norns. See its Agent Help for more information.

Panatreea Potion Vendor

This will place a nice panatreea potion vendor in your world! You must have the panatreea potion agent and have it injected once into your game though for this to work!


Panatreea Potion Vendor

This will place a nice panatreea potion vendor in your world! You must have the panatreea potion agent and have it injected once into your game though for this to work!



A robotic spider-rock that wanders around the world occasionally releasing sprays as needed.

Selective Force Field

A force field that can be configured to prevent certain types of creatures from passing.

The Crypt

This agent re-creates the Crypt in undocked DS worlds.


A tribute to Douglas Adams.

Trapper Planter

This device allows you to plant extra trappers around your world.


Aqua Eco Remover

<This will remove all the eco system in the Aqua area for DS undocked!>


This agent re-creates the Aquarium in undocked DS worlds.


Aquarium (Remove)

This removes the Aquarium from an undocked DS world.

Camera Fixer

Makes sure your Docking Station cameras stay where you left them.

Desert Eco Remover

<This will remove all the eco system in the desert for DS undocked!>

Egg Layer Remover

This completely removes the Grendel and Ettin egg layers. USE WITH CARE!

Ettin Desert

This agent re-creates the Ettin desert in undocked DS worlds.


Ettin Desert (Remove)

This removes the Ettin desert from an undocked DS world.

Grendel Jungle

This agent re-creates the Grendel jungle in undocked DS worlds.


Grendel Jungle (Remove)

This removes the Grendel jungle from an undocked DS world.

Norn Terrarium

This agent re-creates the Norn Terrarium in undocked DS worlds.


Norn Terrarium (Remove)

This removes the Norn Terrarium from an undocked DS world.

The Crypt (Remove)

This removes the Crypt from an undocked DS world.

Other Images

Agent Preview - Norn Statistics
Agent Preview - Norn Statistics
Agent Preview - Electronic Butler
Agent Preview - Electronic Butler
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion Vendor (DS)
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion Vendor (DS)
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion Vendor (DS)
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion Vendor (DS)
Agent Preview - Dummy Control
Agent Preview - Dummy Control
Agent Preview - The Crypt
Agent Preview - The Crypt
Agent Preview - Norn of Knowing
Agent Preview - Norn of Knowing
Agent Preview - Norn of Infertility
Agent Preview - Norn of Infertility
Agent Preview - Medical Monitor
Agent Preview - Medical Monitor