Boid Norns

Boid Norns thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Boid
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Verm
Wiki Link
File Size: 458 KB

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Norn breed converted from the C0 Creatures prototype by Verm.

They do best on flat ground, as they have a little trouble walking down steep slopes.

Body data must be installed manually as the do not properly unpack from the agent

Text File Composite

::----- README.txt -----::
Boid Norns by Verm

Boid Norns and Dragon Grendels are breeds based off sprites from the Creature Prototype. Both are mostly standard twbs, with different pose genes so they walk how they did in the prototype. They do best on flat ground, as they have a little trouble walking down steep slopes.

Note 2: If you use the boids, make sure to manually install the bodydata in the ZIP, boids don't unpack that best.

Agent Contents

Boid Norns - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Ettin: 'e'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Images

Boid Norns - C3EE - Preview.png
Boid Norns - C3EE - Preview.png

Other Images

Boid Norns - C3EE - Preview.png
Boid Norns - C3EE - Preview.png