Pallid Ettin

Pallid Ettin thumbnail image
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  • Creatures 2
  • Mockery
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File Size: 546 KB

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The Pallid Ettins occupy Ettin Slot U.

In the lightless depths of Albia, mutants arise...

Eyeless and extremely sensitive to sunlight, the Pallid Ettins survive in the darkest caverns and prefer the steamy depths of the Volcano to the searing heat and brightness of the surface.

Any strong source of light causes injury and eventual death, so keep these Ettins underground! These Ettins do not have instincts to avoid light; they have spent their entire lives deep beneath the surface of Albia and have never before been exposed to anything brighter than the dimness of the Volcano.

If your Pallid Ettin ventures above ground or into an area of bright light, their health will drop and they will begin to act as if they are in great pain. Death results after about five to ten minutes of exposure. If the Ettin is returned to a dark area, it should recover with a little bit of tender loving care.

They can survive quite well in the Swamp and surrounding areas and are safe in most of the dimly lit Hatchery. The submarine bay on the far right of the Hatchery is a bit too bright for them, so gating it off beyond the elevator may be a smart idea. However, it is a good place to test both their reaction to light and your ability to take care of them once they've been exposed.

Use the Ecology Kit to check the light levels in the areas your Ettins are inhabiting. If an area is much brighter than the Volcano, it will probably be deadly to your Ettins.

Like Boney Grendels, they are resistant to radiation and can eat death cap mushrooms with little ill effect. Their genome is based in part on the Akamai Canny Norn by Lis Morris, but their instincts, poses, gaits, and stimuli have been altered to retain their basic Ettin nature. Their lifespan ought to be about the same as the Canny Norns, although they age into childhood much more quickly, as Ettins do (seven minutes or so, as opposed to the two-minute infancy of regular Ettins).

Pallid Ettins use their delicate antennae to sense the details of their environment and can navigate the world as well as any other Creature. (They're not blind; the appearance of their sprites is just a cosmetic effect, and you will still be able to use the Creature's Eye View with this breed).

Text File Composite

::----- pallid_ettin_readme.txt -----::
Pallid Ettins for C2 (2.0)

This readme contains detailed information about the care and feeding of
Pallid Ettins, plus installation instructions for the breed.

If this file was not contained in a Breed Installer program, but came
in a ZIP with a bunch of other files, you will probably need to place 
all those files in their appropriate directories before you can hatch 
a Pallid Ettin:

          ATT files : Creatures 2/Body Data
          S16 files : Creatures 2/Images
          GEN files : Creatures 2/Genetics
          EGG files : Creatures 2/Eggs
          EXP files : Creatures 2

In the lightless depths of Albia, mutants arise...

Eyeless and extremely sensitive to sunlight, the Pallid Ettins survive 
in the darkest caverns, and prefer the steamy depths of the Volcano to 
the searing heat and brightness of the surface.

Any strong source of light causes injury and eventual death, so keep 
these Ettins underground!  These Ettins do not have instincts to avoid 
light; they have spent their entire lives deep beneath the surface of
Albia and have never before been exposed to anything brighter than the 
dimness of the Volcano.

If your Pallid Ettin ventures above ground or into an area of bright 
light, their health will drop and they will begin to act as if they are
in great pain.  Death results after about five to ten minutes of 
exposure.  If the Ettin is returned to a dark area, it should recover
with a little bit of tender loving care.

They can survive quite well in the Swamp and surrounding areas, and are 
safe in most of the dimly lit Hatchery.  The submarine bay on the far
right of the Hatchery is a bit too bright for them, so gating it off
beyond the elevator may be a smart idea.  However, it is a good place 
to test both their reaction to light and your ability to take care of 

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Ettin: 'u'
	- FEMALE: [Child]
	- MALE: [Child]

Creature Contents

Name: Emma
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Female


Name: Emo
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Male

Breed Images

Breed C2EU preview
Breed C2EU preview
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529a - Breed C3EU

Other Images

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